
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1. I love my husband. He is the sweetest, kindest, best guy and I am so lucky to have him as the father of my beautiful babies and my partner on this crazy journey.

2. I do not understand how someone that works in multi-million dollar technology - I'm talking big stuff - can't set up a Leapster Explorer.

3. The techno guru is also at war with my blackberry. In trying to help me with fitting the charger through the protective case, he got out his exacto knife and cut his own hole. On the wrong side :)

4. We finally had a Gigi's. I have the biggest sweet tooth around and I'm sad to say it didn't really live up to the hype.

5. Since we got hit with a winter blizzard worthy of New York state, I'm wondering if mother nature's going to give us some mild humidity this summer? She'll probably make it 98% just to prove who's boss.

6. The kids snowpants are currently in route from my parents house even though the mail is not currently running. I will not be unprepared next time.

7. Let's hope there's not a next time.

8. I went on a corndog run Sunday night after church and the grocery store was completely out of bread. I mean maybe 5 loaves on the shelf. Craziest thing I've ever seen.

9. Yes, I feed my children corndogs. I know they're full of toxins and not even made out of real hotdogs. My kids love them.

10. Jason is currently singing along with Barbie and the Diamond Castle DVD. It sounds lovely. Have I mentioned yet how much we need to go back to school tomorrow?

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