
Monday, April 12, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

1. We got hit with the EXACT same virus we had last week again this week. The only thing worse than four kids being sick once is four kids being sick TWICE. It's been a miserable, miserable two weeks that have literally brought me to tears more than once. I begged Jason to switch "jobs" with me but he would not.

2. Trying to contain four kids in the house as much as possible, watching movies on the couch is an nearly impossible feat. I've emptied my bag of tricks. They're tired of me and sadly, I'm tired of them. The whining, the crying, the fighting. It's enough to drive a person mad. We've been fever free for 20-22 hours and ventured outside (it's been in the 80s here) and sure enough as soon as we come inside Bella is running a 102 again.

3. Drew is wheezing and sounds like a freight train. He spent the night with Jason and I last night and no one slept. I will say once he did fall asleep, he did have happy dreams because we heard him giggling in his sleep. He's back on his breathing treatments and the decongestant so hopefully that will help.

4. Drew is crawling all over the place like he's been doing it for weeks. I am getting used to him being so mobile and following me around the house now :) We had to purchase a baby gate this weekend to keep him off the stairs. Will is now climbing up the side of the stairs and over the gate.

5. Adventures in potty-training with Will continue. The girls potty trained start to finish in three days. Sadly, this is not the case with little brother. He is trying my patience for sure. Yesterday he sat on the toilet for 20 minutes two different times. He got up from the toilet, went to his usual "spot" did his business and then proceeded to go back to the toilet and take off his diaper by himself while sitting on the girls' brand new bathroom rug. I thought Isabella was going to die.

6. Speaking of potty talk, this one's for my Dad. I was changing Drew's diaper the other night and Isabella starts complaining about the site and smell of the contents. I'm not a big diaper fan myself - surprising since I've probably changed around 12,337 between my four and all the kids I've watched over the years. Anyways, here I am changing the diaper and here complains my five year old from the couch. I tell her to leave the area, she can't she's watching Super Why and wants me to hurry up. Really. She continues to complain and starts gagging. I tell her to Evacuate the area NOW. She tries but throws up in the process. I have no idea where she gets the weak stomach from.

7. Our neighbors are all avid gardeners and brought us a beautiful strawberry plant yesterday from their garden. Isabella is ecstatic. Any guesses on how long it takes for me to kill it? I do not have an ounce of "green" in my body and I will not remember to water it. Guaranteed. The only plant I can keep alive is a cactus.

8. The girls are supposed to be practicing their dances at home. I'm a little (a lot out of practice for this) and can't seem to keep stage left straight from stage right and explain this to a five and three year old. Hopefully we'll all get it figured out before the end of May.

9. It's a well-known fact that I do all my shopping online. I have to buy the girls both slim sizes and taking four kids to the mall, is not my idea of a good time. Every time the doorbell rings, Amelia announces "Mama the QPS is here". Regardless of how often I hear this or correct her, it makes me laugh every time.

10. We have always worried about Amelia being stuck in the middle. She's always trying to keep up with her big sister and always trying to outrun her little brother. This week when Isabella was trying to tell her what to do we heard her say "Isabella I have a great idea, you're not the boss of me."

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