
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

A few of the blogs I read do a Ten on Tuesday post. It lists ten random things that happened throughout the week that may not be worthy of receiving an actual blog post. I thought I'd give it a try :)

1. We've been in our new house a month now. Love, love, love it here. Someone asked me if we miss our old house? I surveyed the family and only Jason does. His reasoning.. the yard there was finally complete and this yard needs a little TLC.


2. We had a horrible virus last week that lasted until this week. 102 fevers around and a ear infection for Will. We missed a day of school and took a few days after the fevers broke to get back to feeling better. It was exhausting. The above mentioned virus is still going around school so we may or may not have seen the last of it.

3. The weather has been beautiful. Sunny and in the high 70s, low 80's. We've been spending A LOT of time outside. I love this time of year before the horrifying humidity hits. The increased heat however, is increasing hair volume in our house. Bella had a meltdown Thursday because "her hair is huge and always all over the place and in her face". And so it begins. (I also think Drew is getting curly hair but Jason says we're not going to talk about that yet.)

4. We had a new family move in up the street. The first thing that went up in their backyard was a trampoline. I am not a fan of trampolines and do not allow the kids to jump on them unless they are the "in-ground" versions in the gyms. Too many risks for broken bones, paralysis, etc. I look out my window and what do I see? The eight year old boy jumping ON a pogo ball (yes, I'm talking the pogo ball I had in the 80's) ON the trampoline. Great.. Just the kind of "mentors" I need around for Will.

5. I was changing Drew in the parking lot of the gym this week when I feel a tap on my shoulder. It's a 40s something man and he's letting me know he's going to be setting his car alarm - three spaces down. O-kay. Weird. Car alarms have been around for years now and I've never had anyone warn me that they're setting one. I'm more concerned about being "sprayed" by my now non-diaper wearing 8 month old and having to walk around wearing urine on my clothing than a car alarm. Still the man keeps talking and pointing. I finally look and see, a BRIGHT orange corvette. I couldn't decide if he was fishing for a compliment on the car or he was taking the worst ever gamble and trying to hit on a frazzled mother of four. Either way a lose/lose situation for him.

6. Speaking of Andrew, he had the worst diaper rash I have ever seen this week. We had tried everything and I finally, desperately begged for advice on facebook. (thank you to all my friends who responded). Our kids are all allergic to Zinc and I sat in the drugstore aisle literally reading every single label looking for a suitable cream. I finally found A&D and it has been a miracle. Did you know to treat diaper rash you can use: Monistat, Maalox, Aquaphor and Maalox?

7. Drew is now crawling.

8. Will is finally showing some interest in using the potty. I need to work on calling his underwear, big boy underwear and not big boy panties. We had three success stories today.

9. The kids are participating in a cancer walk at preschool next week. I'm proud of their school for getting them involved at such and early age. Cancer is everywhere and I think it's important that they are aware of what they're walking for and who they're honoring.

10. I babysat two of the neighbor children yesterday. Wow is all I can say about that. Six kids is a lot of little people to keep happy at the same time. I had two little babies following me around crawling and crying at the same time. I was totally not used to that.

So there it is my first totally random ten on Tuesday post. We'll try it out and see how it goes. I hope everyone has a great week.

1 comment:

The Thackers said...

You should make it a habit! I enjoyed it!