
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

always the ornery one

I take great care in naming our children. As most of you know, I am pretty particular about all of their names and it is usually a decision Jason and I agonize over pretty much from the end of the first-trimester on. I know that it will take us the entire six months to actually agree on a name so I start early.

Amelia's name was especially difficult for us to come up with. There were several lists of contenders that were rejected by Jason for some bizarre reason or another before we finally agreed on Amelia..he finally got over the Earhart and Bedelia hangups.

When Amelia was born, Bella was just over two couldn't say her name and called her "Sissy". Unfortunately Sissy stuck with Amelia. Whenever anyone asked Amelia her name, she smiled and replied "Thissy". Keep in mind she can clearly say Isabella Victoria and William Wallace but she was "Thissy Ross".

Recently however, Amelia has changed her name again. Whenever asked her name now, she smiles and without missing a beat says "Pudintane. Ask me again and I'll tell you the same." Over and over.

Gray hair from this one, I'm telling ya.

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