
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1. We have been swimming and swimming and swimming this weekend. I will lose count of the number of times I say that word over the summer.

2. On Saturday at lunch, Bella very matter of factly asked me if I would take her to the p-o-o-l during naptime.

3. "Someday you're going to be some girl's prince charming. No I'm not, I'm just going to be Will R."

4. We went to see Will's Miss Robin at school her school for a few minutes today. Miss Robin teaches PE and gets to wear a whistle that Will was pretty impressed with. On the way home, he asked Miss Robin gets to blow the whistle at the kids? Yes. Loud? Yes. She dosn't get in trouble for blowing the whistle inside? No, that's part of her job. Wow..

5. I now officially have a first grader. I am so proud and a little bit sad about this.

6. Jason and I enjoyed a lovely evening to ourselves celebrating the marriage of sweet Miss Casey on Saturday night.

7. I hope that everyone had a Happy Memorial Day and took a minute to realize and honor the true meaning of the day.

8. To my very own veteran, thank you, for 15 years of service.. We love you.

9. For the bargain price of $2 we have our new VBS cd in the gray bus and ready to go for next week. I know you are all jealous and ready to come cruising with us.

10. Still no news on Jason's next job..

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