
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1. Drew is talking. I mean really talking. He says many more words now than no, yes, Mommy/Daddy (still what he calls me sometimes.) He says come here, stop that, no thank you and I do it. He sings the wheels on the bus, ABCs and he is counting. I love our school and the ladies that love my baby..

2. This morning I woke up at my usual 5:30 and am washing my face and I feel this tap on my leg, "good morning Mommy" It was Drew, just standing there smiling like it wasn't 5:30 AM.

3. Will looked at my wedding picture this weekend and said, "hmmm. When you marry someone they live with you right? I think I will just marry my Chloe now. I love her and then she'll come back. We'll be married, she'll has to. Can you text her and let her know." He misses that girl something awful..

4. Sigh, I miss her mama something awful. And little Chlotilda and her big sisters.

5. Bella now takes spelling tests. One of her words this week was "too" She asked me which "too" The question honestly stumped me and I had to think how to explain this to Bella. Finally she looks at me and says, Too as in also?

6. Will purchased his cowboy boots last Thursday at the cowboy store. He even talked his Daddy into his very first real hat. As Jason says, it was like taking a 3 year old to Nordie's. Having not been in Nordie's myself in almost a year I fully understand Will's excitement and the experience.

7. Will has decided that he now needs a lasso and a belt buckle and he wants to be a real cowboy. When he's bigger he will get to have a cowboy gun but right now he can just have the lasso.

8. Family pictures were this weekend..I anxiously await the day when the kids just sit there and smile for pictures without me having to jump around like a zoo animal and sing off-key to accomplish this task.

9. By now you all know Jason is in college and in a study group with his classmates. This time he has three other girls in his group, one of them says to Jason "are you even worried about turning 30?" Ummm hello, 30+7..

10. We are still praying for our good friends that lost their house in the tornado on the 27th, I know many of you have continued to pray for them too. I am happy to say this week the walls started going up on their new house. Praise the Lord!

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