
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

yes. we live in the South.

While I know most of my Southern friends were extremely excited to wake up on Christmas morning and see all the snow, this girl was not. I heard several people say "I have prayed my entire life for a white Christmas and finally this year it happened". I'm going to tell you something, if you move north, it will happen every year. If you move to the south, you don't want to see a white Christmas. Or a white day after Christmas. Especially when a little bit of snow means everything closes.

My parents were here a few weeks ago and did I have them bring our snow pants? Nope because this is the south. There is global warming. Who needs snow pants I ask you?And our snow boots and good water proof gloves? They're on the way to Minnesota with our good friends because we don't ever use them here. So 3-4 inches and some rain boots later this is what you get. It's not the snow at Santa's village. It's just as cold here now as it is at Nene's and I'm counting down to pool season.

Here's how Drew got to spend the day..watching his brother and sisters from the windows. It's too cold for him to be outside.

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