
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

1. We enjoyed Thanksgiving with our friends. I do not care if it is in or out of the bird but I do like my stuffing. I'm not so sure about this dressing business. I chose wisely when choosing the house of a fellow Yankee.

2. It is a tradition at my friends house that you eat pie for dinner. While this completely stumped my children at first they quickly got on board. Seven pies to choose from, what else could you really eat?

3. Black Friday was a successful shopping experience. My alarm went off at 2:30 and we pulled into Target at 3:50 and got a front row spot. I would bypass Target next year and head straight for the mall. I did come home with two singamajigs - the only thing I was looking for - so the trip was completely successful.

4. A crazy lady shoving a pair of boots in a poor man's face with her eyes bugging out of her head and a vein exploding at her temple made me realize I do not miss working retail even a little bit.

5. I received a telephone call at 6:59AM that the computer crashed. I purchased a removable hard-drive and my friend's brother in law came to the rescue.

6. We went to see the Rockettes Saturday. One of the best shows I've ever seen. Someone asked Amelia about the show and she said "I saw dancing, Santa and baby Jesus!" What day is better than that.

7. The birthday post and pictures of the Rockettes will arrive later when I'm not on Jason's computer.

8. Will got himself out of bed last night to use the bathroom without me hearing him. By the time I went to bed around 9:15 I heard him yelling for me, Jason went to check on him and didn't see him in his bed. This was Will's response "I have been up here for hours waiting on someone to come wipe my bottom."

9. Will to his little friend at preschool today "Lucy I'm hungry, please bring me some dinner."

10. Isabella turned six on Saturday. We celebrated with a big Yeehaw at Logans on our way home. I caught it on video and will try and post it once I get our regular computer back.

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