You came into this world screaming. Literally screaming. Your Dad walked you down to the nursery and when he came back he said he left you screaming. I remember sitting in recovery and what do I hear coming down the hall? Your brand new little wail, wheeling my way. I looked from your dad to the nurse and asked if that was really my baby. The cry baby. And had he really not stopped screaming yet. We made every phone call announcing your arrival with you doing the actual announcing in the background. You cried for over three hours that day and then you just stopped and barely made a sound after that. You were the best baby and I could have had ten of you. I wasn't prepared for the sweet baby to turn into the busy one year old. Or the even crazier antics of two.
At two, you taught me that boys really are different from girls. It's necessary to suck on the fruit snack before sticking it in your ear and then shove the rock on top just to make sure it's not going anywhere. Things out of the trash taste better than things off the breakfast doesn't matter to you if said food has laid under a dirty diaper or not. That just adds to the flavor. Water is the same if it comes out of the toilet or the tap, you really could care less about the sanitation process or the need for it. Your favorite hide and seek spot is wedging yourself between the sofa and the wall and hanging there by one shoulder and your neck. The best place to pretend to ride a horse is from the very top of the nine foot bannister, overlooking the entire great room. Who am I to argue with your appreciation for a good view? Giving your mother a heart attack simply involves riding a bicycle at top speed, down a hill, into the street. Learning to pee standing up warrants an "I did it" at top volume and TWO high fives. When I give our telephone number to poison control, the friendly workers always ask if it's you I'm calling about. A kiss is not a kiss, unless it's smack dab on the lips and there's a little (well a lot of wetness) behind it. You still want to be an Indian when you grow up. I love to hear you talk about your great, BIG friend Marticus and your Cha-diddy. I know that eventually you will start using their actual names but I adore the names you've made up for them now. When you get bigger you want to marry me and Chloe. Someday you're just going to want to marry Chloe but right now we're still package deal and I'll take it.
You are fearless. Someone told me once I didn't have to worry about you because you are so fearless and so tough and those are the people that always come out on top. Let's hope they were right. You can hold your own. I don't worry about you as much because because I know you can take care of yourself. You can throw a ball better than any three year old I know and have been dribbling a soccer ball since you were one..only another year to play! I hope three is everything you want it to be buddy! to infinity and beyond..
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