This morning you came into my room, with four little fingers displayed and a huge smile on your face and all you said was, "FOUR!".
This year you have come into your own and I'm so proud of you. I am so proud of your independence because I feel like we've both worked so hard for it to get ready for kindergarten next year. You can write all your letters and your name like a champ. I hold back a smile every time you shock some one by spelling out a big word and asking them what it says or remembering the road signs as we drive down the roads. You are the Queen of questions and I know this your way of soaking up every single thing you can. It takes you a little while to warm up the situations still and that's okay. You still don't like change but you're slowly getting better. You are the most tender-hearted of them all and still cry when someone else is getting in trouble. Even if they're getting in trouble because of something they did to you. You look out for everyone and always try to make everyone else happy first. You love to play school, babies and mommy. School and church is your favorite place to be. I always worried that you would think having a birthday two days after Christmas would be terrible but so far you think it's so special that your birthday two days after baby Jesus' birthday. You are the best big sister..probably because you can't remember a time when you weren't a big sister. You have the most contagious laugh. I love you and I'm so proud of you of the little lady you've become. Happy Four sweet girl.