
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1. Before you send out the search dogs, yes I know it's Wednesday and I am a slacker.

2. I believe that Joy is a choice. You may not choose when you're going to get promoted at work, or the current state of our economy, or enjoy paying $3.49 for one gallon of gas. Buy you wake up every day and choose whether or not you are going to be happy. I choose not to be friends with the Drama Llama's and Negative Nancy's of the world.

3. When you start feeling sorry for yourself read this story of survival:
and remember to be grateful for the things and people in your life that you do have..

4. Will has gotten a little bit fancy with his dancing in music class. Last Friday he danced around the room with his little friend Miss K and decided to actually dip her twice.

5. I knew eventually Will would take the departure of his favorite Sunday school teacher, who just had a baby, kicking and screaming. He woke up ready to see Miss Robin, only to be told for the 6th week in a row that his buddy would not be greeting him. His response "Is that baby NOT bigger yet?"

6. I've got two words for dance pictures on Friday night. Hot mess. I pulled Amelia's costume out of the bag and she threw and ever-loving fit. It has tights, a bowtie, sequins, ears, fur, gloves. She told her teacher Monday morning, I have to wear that thing one more time and I never have to see it again. My thoughts exactly sister.

7. Drew continues to blow kisses by clicking and clucking his tongue really loudly. I really need to get it on video soon because when he actually starts kissing people it's going to be a sad day for Mama.

8. Jason's spring break is in two weeks and he put "SPRING BREAK PANAMA CITY!!" on our calendar. I'm thinking he can work on that tan by landscaping those flower beds or something equally as super.

9. Bella lost her second tooth last week and it took me several days to find it. In case you're wondering, Amelia is still terrified of flying fairies.

10. Last week for Dr. Suess week at school Bella had to dress up like her favorite word. She chose apparrel and the only thing I could think of was Joey Tribiani and an episode of friends where he said "could I be wearing anymore clothes."

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