Today is our anniversary and I have probably spent maybe three hours with Jason today, thirty minutes of those while we were both actually awake. Our lives are just in a crazy place right now and we are lucky when are paths spin in the same direction for a few minutes the first few days of each week. I am also not a sentimental person and I don't get bent out of shape if I can't celebrate the actual event on the actual day. I'm just thankful that my husband loves me and that he tells me that every day. Most times several times a day.
This morning my friend and I were waiting for the kids to come to school. We usually stand outside the door and greet each one of them. Two of the boys arrived together, and trailing them were their dads and one of the little boy's moms. One of those dads was in full uniform and he wore a look on his face that I've seen before. His parents hugged that little boy, and his mother's voice wavered but did not crack. My friend and I were the ones trying not to cry as this little boys family was so brave.
Spending my anniversary with husband this year, in the same time zone on the same continent is just an extra blessing that I've learned along the way to not complain about and be thankful for.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13
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