1. Well we have managed to survive another year of funrun fundraising at our house.. barely. I am totally serious when I say that Bella is like living with the Kirby salesman during the week of the funrun. And in all seriousness, I would almost rather roll the dice with the door to door salesman. At least I know at some point he is leaving..
2. After gathering her pledges, I sent Bella to school with a word of caution one day. "This is it. Do not come home again asking me to call anyone else asking for anymore money. I don't care what they tell you, this is what I'm telling you." My friend tells me that they are like frat boys of fundraising and she isn't kidding because wouldn't you know my sweet obedient 6 year old walked in the door and said they told her she needed just one more pledge. Next year the week prior to the funrun you can find us at the beach. Or maybe Disneyworld..
3. Isabella entered a Christmas card contest at Poppy's plant three weeks ago. She had to draw a Christmas scene on an 8x10 sheet of paper and the contest was for anyone from three to ten years of age. We found out she got 2nd place!! She was so excited!!
4. We packed up our Halloween candy and took it to Mr. Rowe and his fireman this week. Will decided that the firemen could eat on their way to save the people in the fires and if you've been reading long enough, you know there is nobody better than Mr. Rowe as far as Will is considered.
5. To make Will's day even better, Mr. Rowe brought Will his very own fireman shirt. We can barely get it off of him. Mr. Rowe really hung the moon now..
6. Today at school our CD player didn't work. I told my kids I would have to sing our morning songs rather than listen to the CD like usual. One of my little boys said "Oh no that's terrible" I asked him what was wrong and he said, "well you can't sing but you sure are pretty". I love my job and the honesty of kids. They always make me laugh!!
7. My parents closed on their house last week. Yay!! So nice to have them less than five minutes away from us. We went over as soon as Bella got off of the bus today to take dinner and help with unpacking... so fantastic.
8. The kids went with my parents to Indiana for a Christmas party this weekend. They had a fabulous time and loved taking a road trip with Nene and Poppy.
9. Will sang in the choir performance before church on Sunday. I have to give it to him, he looked so cute singing and dancing up there. We were so proud of him!
10. Bella finally lost her top front tooth last week. It was literally just hanging on waiting to fall out. So disgusting. Last Thursday night, I told her it needed to come out and she finally just pulled it out with her bath towell. Finally!

Monday, December 5, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Giving Thanks..
1. In the words of Amelia, when you ask her every time what she is most thankful for she will respond first with Jesus..because he died for us.
2. My husband. People were shocked that we got engaged after three months of long distance dating but marrying you was the best decision I ever made..
3. My mini-me, southern belle, cowboy and silent operator. They bring continued joy every day into our life and I will be forever grateful that I was chosen to be their mother.
4. My parents, for always loving and supporting me and finally moving south to be with us. I guess they realized we really weren't leaving..
5. Southern weather.. I'll take the boiling heat for no snow. Or snow that comes once a year.
6. My church family. I love my church and the people in it. I enjoy being there everytime the doors are open. I hope you feel the same way about yours.
7. My work family. I always knew that I probably wouldn't be a big career driven person. I wanted to be a mama. This job, while I'm not making decisions that change the world as a whole, gives me the opportunity to change individual worlds.. It is the best job I have ever had and I love it. I love the women I work with and am thankful for the friendships I have there..
8. Our military. So many men and women have fought and continue to fight to give us freedom. There is no way to ever repay them for the sacrifices they make.
9. My friends. They are like the sisters I never had. I love you all.
10. The teachers that teach my children. You are giving them a foundation of learning and loving them when I can't. I will be forever grateful for the hard job that you do, every day.
2. My husband. People were shocked that we got engaged after three months of long distance dating but marrying you was the best decision I ever made..
3. My mini-me, southern belle, cowboy and silent operator. They bring continued joy every day into our life and I will be forever grateful that I was chosen to be their mother.
4. My parents, for always loving and supporting me and finally moving south to be with us. I guess they realized we really weren't leaving..
5. Southern weather.. I'll take the boiling heat for no snow. Or snow that comes once a year.
6. My church family. I love my church and the people in it. I enjoy being there everytime the doors are open. I hope you feel the same way about yours.
7. My work family. I always knew that I probably wouldn't be a big career driven person. I wanted to be a mama. This job, while I'm not making decisions that change the world as a whole, gives me the opportunity to change individual worlds.. It is the best job I have ever had and I love it. I love the women I work with and am thankful for the friendships I have there..
8. Our military. So many men and women have fought and continue to fight to give us freedom. There is no way to ever repay them for the sacrifices they make.
9. My friends. They are like the sisters I never had. I love you all.
10. The teachers that teach my children. You are giving them a foundation of learning and loving them when I can't. I will be forever grateful for the hard job that you do, every day.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Veteran's Day Parade
Today my biggest girl and I walked in the Veteran's Day parade. Bella has been waiting to participate in this parade since we started watching it several years ago. Finally her day came. She was able to ride for her Daddy, her Gramps and both of her great-grandfathers. We wrote all of their names on the papers and stuck them on the float. She was super excited and road through the parade saying Happy Veteran's Day. She was so proud and excited to honor her Daddy. I know a lot of people are proud of their veterans but no one more so than my Bella. She is so proud of her Daddy. Jason will very rarely offer up the information that he serves his country but his children proudly will..
We love you Daddy and are so proud of all you do for us and your country!!
We love you Daddy and are so proud of all you do for us and your country!!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
costume day at school
I love the ladies that I work with..we always have such a fun time. On Monday all the children and most of the teachers wore their costumes to school. Here are a few pictures.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Ten on Tuesday
1. This week one of Will's little friends said, I'm going to marry you Will. Will, as serious as can be replied: I'm already married to Chloe. You have to marry someone else.
2. Will told his Daddy when he was helping him cook dinner that "Chloe is the love of his life" I tell Will he is the love of my life in case you're wondering who he hears that from.
3. I'm not sure when we willl stop talking about Chloe like Will just sat and played with her this afternoon, but it's going to be a sad day for this mama.
4. Amelia is learning letter sounds every week at school. I asked her before school the other morning if she wanted to wear a dress and she responded with "Ja-Ja-Ja-jeans please."
5. It's fall and in the fall I get to hear one of my favorite songs ever. Mr Turkey Big and Fat. The Drew Ross rendition is just about the cutest thing I've ever heard.
6. Drew also had a birthday party at school this week. A birthday party in two year old land is a b.i.g deal of fun. So much fun that Drew sang Happy Birthday to me for two days after the party.
7. We began our fall break this week.. Will and Amelia headed to Nene's Ohio house for hopefully the last time. Yay!!
8. Bella is enjoying the extra time alone with Jason and I. We have gone out to lunch, for icecream, met her at school for lunch and went to the PTA meeting - something she always requests. I asked her if she was having a good week and she said Yes! I get all this time to myself, I don't have to share the TV and by the time they come home, Drewbie is going to like me the best!
9. After two days of two kids, Jason and I are a little shocked by how easy two kids are. We would be totally bored as a family of four but it really is a nice little vacation..
10. Nene and Poppy signed papers on their house this weekend!! YAY!! They will be moved in hopefully the first weekend in December! We are so blessed and so excited to have them here with us soon!!
2. Will told his Daddy when he was helping him cook dinner that "Chloe is the love of his life" I tell Will he is the love of my life in case you're wondering who he hears that from.
3. I'm not sure when we willl stop talking about Chloe like Will just sat and played with her this afternoon, but it's going to be a sad day for this mama.
4. Amelia is learning letter sounds every week at school. I asked her before school the other morning if she wanted to wear a dress and she responded with "Ja-Ja-Ja-jeans please."
5. It's fall and in the fall I get to hear one of my favorite songs ever. Mr Turkey Big and Fat. The Drew Ross rendition is just about the cutest thing I've ever heard.
6. Drew also had a birthday party at school this week. A birthday party in two year old land is a b.i.g deal of fun. So much fun that Drew sang Happy Birthday to me for two days after the party.
7. We began our fall break this week.. Will and Amelia headed to Nene's Ohio house for hopefully the last time. Yay!!
8. Bella is enjoying the extra time alone with Jason and I. We have gone out to lunch, for icecream, met her at school for lunch and went to the PTA meeting - something she always requests. I asked her if she was having a good week and she said Yes! I get all this time to myself, I don't have to share the TV and by the time they come home, Drewbie is going to like me the best!
9. After two days of two kids, Jason and I are a little shocked by how easy two kids are. We would be totally bored as a family of four but it really is a nice little vacation..
10. Nene and Poppy signed papers on their house this weekend!! YAY!! They will be moved in hopefully the first weekend in December! We are so blessed and so excited to have them here with us soon!!
Monday, October 10, 2011
remembering you..
When I was little I spent every weekend at my grandparents in the summer and several nights through the week. I don't see these little creatures very often but when I do, I think of my Papa. They were always in his backyard and around side deck. Sometimes he had them in jars with ventilation and I'll be honest, they were not my favorite. In all actuality I was terrified of them. I can remember my Papa telling me that female ate the head off of the male and that was enough for me! I was terrified of them eating me. And oh yeah, they are super ugly.
Fast forward to my freshman year of high school and we had to collect 100 species of dead bugs and identify them. We got bonus points for Praying Mantis but we had to bring them in alive, in a jar. Just like my Papa. No thanks.. I haven't seen one since high school thankfully.
Tonight I went out on the deck after dinner and what's on the BBQ waiting for me? You guessed it, a little praying mantis. Two things happened. I immediately thought of my papa and I reacted like I saw a python on the deck. Yes, it was little but yes, I still hate them. Guess who loves the little guy?
Drewbie really liked the little guy and played with him for several minutes. Until he jumped on his motorcycle for a ride. Then he grabbed the praying mantis, threw him on the ground and said "NO motorcycle!!" and gave him a pretty mean skunk eye. He didn't want anything to do with him after that either. Can't say I blame him..those things are ugly!!
Fast forward to my freshman year of high school and we had to collect 100 species of dead bugs and identify them. We got bonus points for Praying Mantis but we had to bring them in alive, in a jar. Just like my Papa. No thanks.. I haven't seen one since high school thankfully.
Tonight I went out on the deck after dinner and what's on the BBQ waiting for me? You guessed it, a little praying mantis. Two things happened. I immediately thought of my papa and I reacted like I saw a python on the deck. Yes, it was little but yes, I still hate them. Guess who loves the little guy?
Drewbie really liked the little guy and played with him for several minutes. Until he jumped on his motorcycle for a ride. Then he grabbed the praying mantis, threw him on the ground and said "NO motorcycle!!" and gave him a pretty mean skunk eye. He didn't want anything to do with him after that either. Can't say I blame him..those things are ugly!!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Ten on Tuesday
1. Well the days of scamming my dear youngest son are over. After dinner each child is sometimes presented with two cookies. Drew is still little and gets one. Saturday he actually met me in the pantry for his treat. I handed him his cookie, he pushed it away and said very loudly "TWO COOKIES. Please." There you have it..
2. Drew has always been more of a noticer than anything else. I picked him up from school this week and said "how was your day?" He said "Miss Laura no school" with the strangest look on his face..
3. Bella has been cracking us up with her comments lately. There was a coloring contest at school and when she told us what the prize was she said "that's not really the prize I was looking for."
4. Bella has set her sights on a certain second grade teacher for next year. This is going to be her teacher and she has told me frequently already. I have explained that she may not get the teacher she wants etc. Bella said, "Oh don't you worry Mama. I'm praying about it and this year I got a head start."
Oh dear..
5. Amelia and I went to the pumpkin patch on Monday with her pre-K class. A fantastic time was had by all. Amelia said "this was the best day ever" It made freezing in my wet jeans totally worth it.
6. Amelia asked me to take her shopping for a new shirt for her favorite team. She is a fan of the LSU tigers now. Oh brother.
7. The "the house divided" flag really is not large enough to accomodate our household now. Auburn, LSU, Ohio State and Oklahoma State. Still waiting on the boys to determine their teams..
8. Since the baby shower, the girls are obsessed with all things baby. Seeing pictures of me pregnant, when they were born, where they were born, which of their friends were born in the same hospital as them..
9. Can we have another new baby puh-lease? Negative Nancy. The baby factory has moved on to another section of town..
10. Bella was looking in her baby book and asked if she was born in "PM" and everyone else was born in "AM". I had to explain that she was supposed to be born in the AM but oh yeah, there was a tornado the night before Bella was born. I spent the night hiding out in the bathtub, listening to the sirens, and when I went in for my scheduled c-section I had to wait 5 hours longer for an anesthesiologist and was just lucky they didn't cancel my procedure all together. It probably says in her baby book somewhere - I hate tornados. And I still do!
2. Drew has always been more of a noticer than anything else. I picked him up from school this week and said "how was your day?" He said "Miss Laura no school" with the strangest look on his face..
3. Bella has been cracking us up with her comments lately. There was a coloring contest at school and when she told us what the prize was she said "that's not really the prize I was looking for."
4. Bella has set her sights on a certain second grade teacher for next year. This is going to be her teacher and she has told me frequently already. I have explained that she may not get the teacher she wants etc. Bella said, "Oh don't you worry Mama. I'm praying about it and this year I got a head start."
Oh dear..
5. Amelia and I went to the pumpkin patch on Monday with her pre-K class. A fantastic time was had by all. Amelia said "this was the best day ever" It made freezing in my wet jeans totally worth it.
6. Amelia asked me to take her shopping for a new shirt for her favorite team. She is a fan of the LSU tigers now. Oh brother.
7. The "the house divided" flag really is not large enough to accomodate our household now. Auburn, LSU, Ohio State and Oklahoma State. Still waiting on the boys to determine their teams..
8. Since the baby shower, the girls are obsessed with all things baby. Seeing pictures of me pregnant, when they were born, where they were born, which of their friends were born in the same hospital as them..
9. Can we have another new baby puh-lease? Negative Nancy. The baby factory has moved on to another section of town..
10. Bella was looking in her baby book and asked if she was born in "PM" and everyone else was born in "AM". I had to explain that she was supposed to be born in the AM but oh yeah, there was a tornado the night before Bella was born. I spent the night hiding out in the bathtub, listening to the sirens, and when I went in for my scheduled c-section I had to wait 5 hours longer for an anesthesiologist and was just lucky they didn't cancel my procedure all together. It probably says in her baby book somewhere - I hate tornados. And I still do!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Ten on Tuesday.
1. I swear that Amelia is going to kill me with her lunchtime eating habits. She eats two bites of her sandwhich at school and maybe two grapes. She is responsible for her own lunch and eating it..
2. Let me just say that this is not my first rodeo and said lunch contains all items that Amelia should and will eat. It doesn't contain weird things that a four year old would be opposed too. Amelia just chooses not to eat them at school.
3. Imagine how happy she is when it's snack time every day and she is presented with her lunchbox and an array of lovely options.
4. Bella announced yesterday that she was tired of big, enormous, curly hair. She wants flat hair. Well kiddo, you better just embrace the big hair on your head and do your part to bring the 80's back..
5. In case you are wondering, Will is still in love with his boots.
6. Only in the south can you go swimming on September 17th. This is why I will never live in the north again if I can help it.
7. Grami arrives Thursday to visit..
8. Amelia scored too many goals to count this weekend at her soccer game. This weekend we're going to work on winning modestly.
9. Miss Casey came back from Texas this weekend. Only one thing is better than Miss Christina at our house on Saturday afternoon for a party according to the girls. When Miss Christina brings Miss Casey!
10. And finally people..we achieved an impossible task. Will grew an actual watermelon this summer. I can't even tell you how many times he and his sisters went and checked on their garden. I can tell you that, I forgot to water the garden. The garden was planted in my landscaping, a place I was super excited about. The watermelon is the size of a lime..but it's a melon. Will is overjoyed :)
2. Let me just say that this is not my first rodeo and said lunch contains all items that Amelia should and will eat. It doesn't contain weird things that a four year old would be opposed too. Amelia just chooses not to eat them at school.
3. Imagine how happy she is when it's snack time every day and she is presented with her lunchbox and an array of lovely options.
4. Bella announced yesterday that she was tired of big, enormous, curly hair. She wants flat hair. Well kiddo, you better just embrace the big hair on your head and do your part to bring the 80's back..
5. In case you are wondering, Will is still in love with his boots.
6. Only in the south can you go swimming on September 17th. This is why I will never live in the north again if I can help it.
7. Grami arrives Thursday to visit..
8. Amelia scored too many goals to count this weekend at her soccer game. This weekend we're going to work on winning modestly.
9. Miss Casey came back from Texas this weekend. Only one thing is better than Miss Christina at our house on Saturday afternoon for a party according to the girls. When Miss Christina brings Miss Casey!
10. And finally people..we achieved an impossible task. Will grew an actual watermelon this summer. I can't even tell you how many times he and his sisters went and checked on their garden. I can tell you that, I forgot to water the garden. The garden was planted in my landscaping, a place I was super excited about. The watermelon is the size of a lime..but it's a melon. Will is overjoyed :)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Ten on Tuesday
1. Drew is talking. I mean really talking. He says many more words now than no, yes, Mommy/Daddy (still what he calls me sometimes.) He says come here, stop that, no thank you and I do it. He sings the wheels on the bus, ABCs and he is counting. I love our school and the ladies that love my baby..
2. This morning I woke up at my usual 5:30 and am washing my face and I feel this tap on my leg, "good morning Mommy" It was Drew, just standing there smiling like it wasn't 5:30 AM.
3. Will looked at my wedding picture this weekend and said, "hmmm. When you marry someone they live with you right? I think I will just marry my Chloe now. I love her and then she'll come back. We'll be married, she'll has to. Can you text her and let her know." He misses that girl something awful..
4. Sigh, I miss her mama something awful. And little Chlotilda and her big sisters.
5. Bella now takes spelling tests. One of her words this week was "too" She asked me which "too" The question honestly stumped me and I had to think how to explain this to Bella. Finally she looks at me and says, Too as in also?
6. Will purchased his cowboy boots last Thursday at the cowboy store. He even talked his Daddy into his very first real hat. As Jason says, it was like taking a 3 year old to Nordie's. Having not been in Nordie's myself in almost a year I fully understand Will's excitement and the experience.
7. Will has decided that he now needs a lasso and a belt buckle and he wants to be a real cowboy. When he's bigger he will get to have a cowboy gun but right now he can just have the lasso.
8. Family pictures were this weekend..I anxiously await the day when the kids just sit there and smile for pictures without me having to jump around like a zoo animal and sing off-key to accomplish this task.
9. By now you all know Jason is in college and in a study group with his classmates. This time he has three other girls in his group, one of them says to Jason "are you even worried about turning 30?" Ummm hello, 30+7..
10. We are still praying for our good friends that lost their house in the tornado on the 27th, I know many of you have continued to pray for them too. I am happy to say this week the walls started going up on their new house. Praise the Lord!
2. This morning I woke up at my usual 5:30 and am washing my face and I feel this tap on my leg, "good morning Mommy" It was Drew, just standing there smiling like it wasn't 5:30 AM.
3. Will looked at my wedding picture this weekend and said, "hmmm. When you marry someone they live with you right? I think I will just marry my Chloe now. I love her and then she'll come back. We'll be married, she'll has to. Can you text her and let her know." He misses that girl something awful..
4. Sigh, I miss her mama something awful. And little Chlotilda and her big sisters.
5. Bella now takes spelling tests. One of her words this week was "too" She asked me which "too" The question honestly stumped me and I had to think how to explain this to Bella. Finally she looks at me and says, Too as in also?
6. Will purchased his cowboy boots last Thursday at the cowboy store. He even talked his Daddy into his very first real hat. As Jason says, it was like taking a 3 year old to Nordie's. Having not been in Nordie's myself in almost a year I fully understand Will's excitement and the experience.
7. Will has decided that he now needs a lasso and a belt buckle and he wants to be a real cowboy. When he's bigger he will get to have a cowboy gun but right now he can just have the lasso.
8. Family pictures were this weekend..I anxiously await the day when the kids just sit there and smile for pictures without me having to jump around like a zoo animal and sing off-key to accomplish this task.
9. By now you all know Jason is in college and in a study group with his classmates. This time he has three other girls in his group, one of them says to Jason "are you even worried about turning 30?" Ummm hello, 30+7..
10. We are still praying for our good friends that lost their house in the tornado on the 27th, I know many of you have continued to pray for them too. I am happy to say this week the walls started going up on their new house. Praise the Lord!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
borrowed from the pigtail pals..
Waking up full of Awesome by the Pigtail Pals.
There was a time when you were five years old,
and you woke up full of awesome.
You knew you were awesome.
You loved yourself.
You thought you were beautiful,
even with missing teeth and messy hair and mismatched socks inside your grubby sneakers.
You loved your body, and the things it could do.
You thought you were strong.
You knew you were smart.
Do you still have it?
The awesome.
Did someone take it from you?
Did you let them?
Did you hand it over, because someone told you weren’t beautiful enough, thin enough, smart enough, good enough?
Why the hell would you listen to them?
Did you consider they might be full of shit?
Wouldn’t that be nuts, to tell my little girl below that in another five or ten years she might hate herself because she doesn’t look like a starving and Photoshopped fashion model?
Or even more bizarre, that she should be sexy over smart, beautiful over bold?
Are you freaking kidding me?
Look at her. She is full of awesome.
You were, once. Maybe you still are. Maybe you are in the process of getting it back.
All I know is that if you aren’t waking up feeling like this about yourself, you are really missing out.
Amelia says Good Morning.
There was a time when you were five years old,
and you woke up full of awesome.
You knew you were awesome.
You loved yourself.
You thought you were beautiful,
even with missing teeth and messy hair and mismatched socks inside your grubby sneakers.
You loved your body, and the things it could do.
You thought you were strong.
You knew you were smart.
Do you still have it?
The awesome.
Did someone take it from you?
Did you let them?
Did you hand it over, because someone told you weren’t beautiful enough, thin enough, smart enough, good enough?
Why the hell would you listen to them?
Did you consider they might be full of shit?
Wouldn’t that be nuts, to tell my little girl below that in another five or ten years she might hate herself because she doesn’t look like a starving and Photoshopped fashion model?
Or even more bizarre, that she should be sexy over smart, beautiful over bold?
Are you freaking kidding me?
Look at her. She is full of awesome.
You were, once. Maybe you still are. Maybe you are in the process of getting it back.
All I know is that if you aren’t waking up feeling like this about yourself, you are really missing out.
Amelia says Good Morning.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Ten on Wednesday
1. I decided to switch it up this week and post Ten on Tuesday on Wednesday. I wanted to see if y'all were paying attention and even reading..
2. Really, I'm kidding. We are all back in school, dance, soccer, choir, GA's, mission friends, AWANA.. running around like LUNATICS. I'm doing good to remember where I'm supposed to be when. I am a slacker. I'm having a t-shirt made.
3. I am so proud of my Dad and so excited for him to begin his new job.
4. We can hardly wait to welcome for Nene and Granny to move here. The kids literally ask me every day on the way to school where there neighborhood is going to be. Such a blessing for everyone.
5. Will is going with his Daddy tomorrow for a brand new pair of cowboy boots. Be jealous. And afraid.
6. Jason's heart broke a little last week when Drew said "You're mean Daddy". Now we frequently here you're mean from the other kids all the time. I am mean, now go to time out and now you're getting an extra minute for your sassy mouth. But never sweet little Drew.. Ahhh, that boy's growing up.
7. Bella loves dance. She is super excited to be in dance with our neighbor Sammy and so many of her friends from school. So glad she is finally in the right place..
8. Amelia is loving Pre-K. She loves her friends and her Ms Holly. She would go to school every single day if she could. I hope it continues to next year.
9. I have the sweetest group of my own students and I adore them. I am excited and know we are going to have a fabulous year..
10. Our friend "Little Will" as the kids call him has come to play with us this week. Bella said if you refuse to have another baby at least you let little Will come to play with us. I'll arrange a play date every week sister..
2. Really, I'm kidding. We are all back in school, dance, soccer, choir, GA's, mission friends, AWANA.. running around like LUNATICS. I'm doing good to remember where I'm supposed to be when. I am a slacker. I'm having a t-shirt made.
3. I am so proud of my Dad and so excited for him to begin his new job.
4. We can hardly wait to welcome for Nene and Granny to move here. The kids literally ask me every day on the way to school where there neighborhood is going to be. Such a blessing for everyone.
5. Will is going with his Daddy tomorrow for a brand new pair of cowboy boots. Be jealous. And afraid.
6. Jason's heart broke a little last week when Drew said "You're mean Daddy". Now we frequently here you're mean from the other kids all the time. I am mean, now go to time out and now you're getting an extra minute for your sassy mouth. But never sweet little Drew.. Ahhh, that boy's growing up.
7. Bella loves dance. She is super excited to be in dance with our neighbor Sammy and so many of her friends from school. So glad she is finally in the right place..
8. Amelia is loving Pre-K. She loves her friends and her Ms Holly. She would go to school every single day if she could. I hope it continues to next year.
9. I have the sweetest group of my own students and I adore them. I am excited and know we are going to have a fabulous year..
10. Our friend "Little Will" as the kids call him has come to play with us this week. Bella said if you refuse to have another baby at least you let little Will come to play with us. I'll arrange a play date every week sister..
Sunday, August 21, 2011
First day os school pics part duex
Here we are on the first day of preschool.
Amelia started Pre-K, Will is in the 3s and is pretty excited to be upstairs with the big kids. Drew is in the two year class. It's our last year with Mrs Laura and I'm pretty sad about it already..
I know all the kid are going to have a great year and they are so happy to be back at school!
Amelia started Pre-K, Will is in the 3s and is pretty excited to be upstairs with the big kids. Drew is in the two year class. It's our last year with Mrs Laura and I'm pretty sad about it already..
I know all the kid are going to have a great year and they are so happy to be back at school!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
the ones who love them..
I love my kids teachers, probably because of how much they love my kids.
Here are the people who spend so much face time with the little people in my life.
Mrs. BWill and Miss Robin
Miss Holly
Miss Laura..this is our third year with her. LOVE her.
Miss Chew-dy and Drewby.
Here are the people who spend so much face time with the little people in my life.
Mrs. BWill and Miss Robin
Miss Holly
Miss Laura..this is our third year with her. LOVE her.
Miss Chew-dy and Drewby.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
The recent helicopter crash in Afghanistan brings back memories of a helicopter crash that took place just over five years ago, killing 10, also in Afghanistan. Jason was just back from his second deployment in Iraq when we received news of the crash. A crash that took 10 lives this time. This time one of these men happened to be one of Jason's friends. He left behind a wife of almost 20 years and his four week old baby girl who he had never even met. Five years have past and this year that little girl would most likely be starting kindergarten. Just like her Daddy, I have never met her, but I think of her often. Probably because I have two little girls myself. Most likely because their Daddy is a soldier too. I think of exactly what her father sacrificed for his country. What his daughter gave up for hers. I remember how my husband took the news, just a few weeks back from a deployment himself. He had spoken several times to his friend just before he left and I think he was shaken up. He couldn't attend the funeral and I think that made it harder for him.
We are at a most difficult time as a nation. In Washington everyone seems to be pointing fingers and no one can balance a budget if their life depended on it. At this point I don't really care who is actually at fault, only that the problem persists and that on each side there seems to be no resolution. Fingers are being pointed, names are being called. As a nation, is this what we have come to? Is this what men are dying to protect? Is this what little girls are growing up without fathers for? We as a country don't want to be at war anymore. And we are bringing our troops home because we can't afford it. But we aren't thankful, we're just tired of "wasting money".
Jason has told me time and time again, that I do not understand the brotherhood of soldiers. That he can go weeks without talking to them and one phone call it is like no time has passed. That if he really needs something, these men will do anything they can to help other. It comes from being in battle together and it is a bond like no other. We witnessed that a few weeks ago with our last assignment cycle here. In the middle of the drama, Jason received a phone call from his cousin. I hear Jason in the midst of his own personal fiasco tell his cousin there is no greater Army, there will be no greater friends, there is no greater country to serve.
I wish that Washington and the American people, would put on a pair of combat boots for just one week and walk in these men and womens shoes. Maybe then they would understand a little better the true meaning of the loss of just one of these soldiers. They are someone's son, someone's husband, someone's father.
They aren't just a good story to run for a week and be finished with it. For their families this story will run forever.
The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.
Douglas MacArthur
We are at a most difficult time as a nation. In Washington everyone seems to be pointing fingers and no one can balance a budget if their life depended on it. At this point I don't really care who is actually at fault, only that the problem persists and that on each side there seems to be no resolution. Fingers are being pointed, names are being called. As a nation, is this what we have come to? Is this what men are dying to protect? Is this what little girls are growing up without fathers for? We as a country don't want to be at war anymore. And we are bringing our troops home because we can't afford it. But we aren't thankful, we're just tired of "wasting money".
Jason has told me time and time again, that I do not understand the brotherhood of soldiers. That he can go weeks without talking to them and one phone call it is like no time has passed. That if he really needs something, these men will do anything they can to help other. It comes from being in battle together and it is a bond like no other. We witnessed that a few weeks ago with our last assignment cycle here. In the middle of the drama, Jason received a phone call from his cousin. I hear Jason in the midst of his own personal fiasco tell his cousin there is no greater Army, there will be no greater friends, there is no greater country to serve.
I wish that Washington and the American people, would put on a pair of combat boots for just one week and walk in these men and womens shoes. Maybe then they would understand a little better the true meaning of the loss of just one of these soldiers. They are someone's son, someone's husband, someone's father.
They aren't just a good story to run for a week and be finished with it. For their families this story will run forever.
The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.
Douglas MacArthur
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Ten on Tuesday
1. So tonight at bedtime Will decides that he is going to pick out his own pajamas. What does he choose? Of course, pajamas with feet. We are in the middle of heat advisory and have 100 degree weather and Will wants to sleep in fleece pajamas with feet.
2. Will decides to zip himself into a cozy pair of 24 month sleeper feet. Let me just say that Will and is size 12 foot left 24 months a loooong time ago. But he insisted and I needed a good laugh so I let him walk around in them. Although, walk isn't really the correct term. He looked more like the hunchback..
3. After he gets tired of hobbling around he decides that it is time to take off said pajamas. Maybe they were finally cutting of circulation to his feet. Maybe it was the neckline cutting into his skin. Literally his feet are stuck and he is so sweaty they aren't coming out. Will's answer to the problem, "Maybe you should call Mr. Rowe and he can come over and cut me with his pocket knife." Now, if you know Mr. Rowe, he is pretty handy. Will loves Mr Rowe and his pocket knife.
4. Bella and Amelia have a Secret Bedtime Reading club complete with secret handshake. I put them to bed at night and then they get into one or the others bed to read. It started out "secret" and grew from there. Bella loves to read and I love that she is reading to Amelia.
5. Jason finished accounting Thursday night. I may just throw a party to signal the end of both of our misery..
6. We attended a birthday party for Miss Taylor B last weekend. Her Daddy and a few of his friends got out their guitars and banjo to play for the guests. Bella thought it was the best thing ever. The next morning she said, Don't forget to hire that band to play at my next birthday party. I loved them.
7. We called Nene on Saturday morning. When it was Amelia's turn to talk to Nene, I handed her the phone and said "guess who it is". Nene disguised her voice and started talking. Amelia got mad and started crying and wouldn't talk at all. Nene and I are still laughing..
8. Drew went to bed last night with Amelia's version of the Daddy Doll. He was eyeballing Bella's and Amelia willingly gave up hers for the night. Drew said over and over, Daddy doll Daddy Doll. He put it in a bear hug got in bed and that was the last we saw of him until 6:30AM.. I'm ordering him his own.
9. Bella is excited to be in the first grade. She has told me every day she has been on her best behavior, listens and doesn't talk when she isn't supposed to be. She also told Will her busdriver is a real cowboy. He is pretty jealous.
10. Will was in the bathroom with me this morning and told me that my belly has "more cracks than the sidewalk" I bet all of you are jealous :)
2. Will decides to zip himself into a cozy pair of 24 month sleeper feet. Let me just say that Will and is size 12 foot left 24 months a loooong time ago. But he insisted and I needed a good laugh so I let him walk around in them. Although, walk isn't really the correct term. He looked more like the hunchback..
3. After he gets tired of hobbling around he decides that it is time to take off said pajamas. Maybe they were finally cutting of circulation to his feet. Maybe it was the neckline cutting into his skin. Literally his feet are stuck and he is so sweaty they aren't coming out. Will's answer to the problem, "Maybe you should call Mr. Rowe and he can come over and cut me with his pocket knife." Now, if you know Mr. Rowe, he is pretty handy. Will loves Mr Rowe and his pocket knife.
4. Bella and Amelia have a Secret Bedtime Reading club complete with secret handshake. I put them to bed at night and then they get into one or the others bed to read. It started out "secret" and grew from there. Bella loves to read and I love that she is reading to Amelia.
5. Jason finished accounting Thursday night. I may just throw a party to signal the end of both of our misery..
6. We attended a birthday party for Miss Taylor B last weekend. Her Daddy and a few of his friends got out their guitars and banjo to play for the guests. Bella thought it was the best thing ever. The next morning she said, Don't forget to hire that band to play at my next birthday party. I loved them.
7. We called Nene on Saturday morning. When it was Amelia's turn to talk to Nene, I handed her the phone and said "guess who it is". Nene disguised her voice and started talking. Amelia got mad and started crying and wouldn't talk at all. Nene and I are still laughing..
8. Drew went to bed last night with Amelia's version of the Daddy Doll. He was eyeballing Bella's and Amelia willingly gave up hers for the night. Drew said over and over, Daddy doll Daddy Doll. He put it in a bear hug got in bed and that was the last we saw of him until 6:30AM.. I'm ordering him his own.
9. Bella is excited to be in the first grade. She has told me every day she has been on her best behavior, listens and doesn't talk when she isn't supposed to be. She also told Will her busdriver is a real cowboy. He is pretty jealous.
10. Will was in the bathroom with me this morning and told me that my belly has "more cracks than the sidewalk" I bet all of you are jealous :)
Monday, August 8, 2011
First grade..
Today was the first day of school. Bella is finally in first grade. She is very excited and couldn't wait to get back to school. While we enjoy summer and have a great time relaxing, swimming and spending time with friends, Bella does much better on a schedule. She enjoys going to school and learning every day.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
It's not goodbye friends, it's see ya later
Well the time has finally come. I have put it out of the back of my mind and have kind of lived in a state of denial all summer long. One of my closest friends is finally leaving. I have barely allowed this fact to register probably because a part of me has held out some great hope that things would change and they would stay. Probably because I can function better for myself and for my friend, if I am not a moping and crying all summer. Seriously who wants to come swim with Eeyore? I wanted this summer to be normal. I didn't want every conversation to be about moving. Or leaving. Or think about August where my friend would just be gone. I tell her to sneak out in the middle of the night without saying goodbye. And I'm serious, and I may have to hunt her down at the same time. I hate goodbyes. Especially with one of my closest friends who I am going to miss every single day..
.I know it probably may sound bizarre to some people. But I love my friend. I love her girls. She is one of the sweetest, kindest, most giving people I have ever met. I am a better person for knowing her. She keeps me grounded. She makes me laugh. She keeps my head from spinning off of my body some times when I am seeing red. I will miss her most a week from Monday when we go back to school and I don't see her every single day. When I can't walk out my door and see her or talk to her on the playground everyday. She will not be Will's teacher this year or Drew's next year. That makes me sad. I will not get to have Sassafrass in my class like I thought. Sassafrass, who tells me, Mrs. Erin sit by me I'm your very best friend in here. Bella and Amelia love her older girls and I know there wouldn't be two sweeter friends for them to have. Her husband was a good man and I am sad that he and Jason didn't have the opportunity to spend more time together before he left.
Sigh...As sad as I am for myself and as much as I will miss my friend. And believe me, she will be greatly missed, I know that there are great things awaiting my friend and her family. There are great people waiting to meet her. I tease her that I'm not going to like her new friends and I'm waiting to see who the new "me" is. But I know they will be wonderful because she is that amazing. I will miss her every single day. I am happy for her and can't wait to see and hear about the great things they are going to do.
We will be here cheering you on, louder than anyone else.
It's not goodbye Reinaldas, it's see ya later. We love you.
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11
.I know it probably may sound bizarre to some people. But I love my friend. I love her girls. She is one of the sweetest, kindest, most giving people I have ever met. I am a better person for knowing her. She keeps me grounded. She makes me laugh. She keeps my head from spinning off of my body some times when I am seeing red. I will miss her most a week from Monday when we go back to school and I don't see her every single day. When I can't walk out my door and see her or talk to her on the playground everyday. She will not be Will's teacher this year or Drew's next year. That makes me sad. I will not get to have Sassafrass in my class like I thought. Sassafrass, who tells me, Mrs. Erin sit by me I'm your very best friend in here. Bella and Amelia love her older girls and I know there wouldn't be two sweeter friends for them to have. Her husband was a good man and I am sad that he and Jason didn't have the opportunity to spend more time together before he left.
Sigh...As sad as I am for myself and as much as I will miss my friend. And believe me, she will be greatly missed, I know that there are great things awaiting my friend and her family. There are great people waiting to meet her. I tease her that I'm not going to like her new friends and I'm waiting to see who the new "me" is. But I know they will be wonderful because she is that amazing. I will miss her every single day. I am happy for her and can't wait to see and hear about the great things they are going to do.
We will be here cheering you on, louder than anyone else.
It's not goodbye Reinaldas, it's see ya later. We love you.
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Ten on Tuesday
1. The girls got their back to school haircuts yesterday. Both girls decided to get two inches taken off. Thankfully it was enough to get the green out of Amelia's hair.
2. Drew is now sleeping in his big boy bed in his big boy room. With his big brother. That's a lot of big. And that means we're officially finished with the crib.
3. On the very first night in his big bed, I heard Will say "Drewby get back in your bed now. You aren't allowed to get out of your bed and run around." He is such a good big brother.
4. I have slowly been weaning myself off of Diet Mt Dew for almost three weeks now. I got it down to one soda a day, at dinner and it started keeping me awake at night. So for the past five days I have only had water to drink. NOTHING but water. This is huge for me. I love Diet Mt Dew..
5. I am really hoping these kids learn to sleep through the night again sometime soon. I like sleep. I like getting around 7-8 hours of sleep but definitely 6 hours uninterupted. I do not like wiping bottoms in the middle of the night. Especially when I'm not drinking any caffeine.
6. Sammy is finally back from the beach. I thought she moved there forever.. This is what Will told me this week. Will will be extra happy to see his Sammy this week. It's a good day when Sammy and Christina come over, I tell ya.
7. I have a slight obsession with Pinterest. If you haven't checked it out and you aren't on it, you need to. It is fabulous and I can't get enough of it. And no, it is not like facebook..
8. We have chosen Isabella's first day of school outfit. If you know Isabella, this is a big deal. We shall see if this is in fact what she actually wears to school.
9. Isabella asked me this week if she is actually attending school on the first day like everyone else or if she has to wait until the second. She also asked if I was absolutely positive that Mrs. H wasn't moving up to teach first grade with her. I wish!!
10. We enjoyed a lovely summer of Mother's Morning Out at church. Thank you to all involved in this program and for taking care of my children. On the last day I enjoyed eight hours to myself - went shopping, had lunch and laughed with my friend! It was fabulous!!
2. Drew is now sleeping in his big boy bed in his big boy room. With his big brother. That's a lot of big. And that means we're officially finished with the crib.
3. On the very first night in his big bed, I heard Will say "Drewby get back in your bed now. You aren't allowed to get out of your bed and run around." He is such a good big brother.
4. I have slowly been weaning myself off of Diet Mt Dew for almost three weeks now. I got it down to one soda a day, at dinner and it started keeping me awake at night. So for the past five days I have only had water to drink. NOTHING but water. This is huge for me. I love Diet Mt Dew..
5. I am really hoping these kids learn to sleep through the night again sometime soon. I like sleep. I like getting around 7-8 hours of sleep but definitely 6 hours uninterupted. I do not like wiping bottoms in the middle of the night. Especially when I'm not drinking any caffeine.
6. Sammy is finally back from the beach. I thought she moved there forever.. This is what Will told me this week. Will will be extra happy to see his Sammy this week. It's a good day when Sammy and Christina come over, I tell ya.
7. I have a slight obsession with Pinterest. If you haven't checked it out and you aren't on it, you need to. It is fabulous and I can't get enough of it. And no, it is not like facebook..
8. We have chosen Isabella's first day of school outfit. If you know Isabella, this is a big deal. We shall see if this is in fact what she actually wears to school.
9. Isabella asked me this week if she is actually attending school on the first day like everyone else or if she has to wait until the second. She also asked if I was absolutely positive that Mrs. H wasn't moving up to teach first grade with her. I wish!!
10. We enjoyed a lovely summer of Mother's Morning Out at church. Thank you to all involved in this program and for taking care of my children. On the last day I enjoyed eight hours to myself - went shopping, had lunch and laughed with my friend! It was fabulous!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Ten on Tuesday
1. There is nothing sweeter than hearing "I love you" in the softest little voice by my now two year old boy Drew.
2. Ahh, Drew is two. How in the world did that happen? I'm still kind of on the fence about it honestly..
3. In all seriousness I am not one of those "Let's be 25 forever" kind of girls. But but I kind of think of myself as 25 because that's when I got married and started having kids. Rapidly. Except now I'm actually not close to 25 anymore.. I'm 25 plus seven. And let's be serious it stinks to be in the 25 plus seven box..
4. School starts in three weeks. I know it will be a little sad but I am ready for some structure to come back into our lives. I am also ready for Jason to not be in class 4 nights a week.
5. Jason finally received his RFO and is awaiting actual orders. A huge sigh of relief. We will begin shipping some household goods as soon as his orders are received.
6. Mr. Leith has arrived back in town for the next month to attend school. He is a fan favorite with my kids and the only thing that would make them happier is if he was staying with us or if his entire family was moving here.
7. Nene, Poppy and Granny surprised us with a visit for Drew's 2nd Birthday! The kids were excited to see them and spend the weekend with them.
8. We have been working on writing with Will. He really get very frustrated with the W and sits and pouts about it. He repeatedly asks me to help him which really means he wants me to do it for him. I just wish he could write already :)
9. Yesterday we went swimming at the wilderness pool aka our neighborhood pool. Seeing as I'm such a wilderness girl, it's perfect. Last year, I had to chase a huge skink lizard out and this year we've had frogs and worms in the water. So there I am standing in the water with the girls and what comes running in towards us? A huge squirrel. Seriously?
10. I am not sure if I have mentioned it or not but at the beginning of the summer I bought Will a brand new orange bathing suit with dinosaurs on it. Super cute. I was sure it would be his absolute favorite because it is orange. Every single day I get the suit down for him to wear and he refuses. He asks for the blue suit or the turtle. Finally he says, I can't wear the dinosaur suit Mama. Dinosaurs have sharp teeth. They are scary. That bathing suit scares me. I can't wear it.
2. Ahh, Drew is two. How in the world did that happen? I'm still kind of on the fence about it honestly..
3. In all seriousness I am not one of those "Let's be 25 forever" kind of girls. But but I kind of think of myself as 25 because that's when I got married and started having kids. Rapidly. Except now I'm actually not close to 25 anymore.. I'm 25 plus seven. And let's be serious it stinks to be in the 25 plus seven box..
4. School starts in three weeks. I know it will be a little sad but I am ready for some structure to come back into our lives. I am also ready for Jason to not be in class 4 nights a week.
5. Jason finally received his RFO and is awaiting actual orders. A huge sigh of relief. We will begin shipping some household goods as soon as his orders are received.
6. Mr. Leith has arrived back in town for the next month to attend school. He is a fan favorite with my kids and the only thing that would make them happier is if he was staying with us or if his entire family was moving here.
7. Nene, Poppy and Granny surprised us with a visit for Drew's 2nd Birthday! The kids were excited to see them and spend the weekend with them.
8. We have been working on writing with Will. He really get very frustrated with the W and sits and pouts about it. He repeatedly asks me to help him which really means he wants me to do it for him. I just wish he could write already :)
9. Yesterday we went swimming at the wilderness pool aka our neighborhood pool. Seeing as I'm such a wilderness girl, it's perfect. Last year, I had to chase a huge skink lizard out and this year we've had frogs and worms in the water. So there I am standing in the water with the girls and what comes running in towards us? A huge squirrel. Seriously?
10. I am not sure if I have mentioned it or not but at the beginning of the summer I bought Will a brand new orange bathing suit with dinosaurs on it. Super cute. I was sure it would be his absolute favorite because it is orange. Every single day I get the suit down for him to wear and he refuses. He asks for the blue suit or the turtle. Finally he says, I can't wear the dinosaur suit Mama. Dinosaurs have sharp teeth. They are scary. That bathing suit scares me. I can't wear it.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Ten on Tuesday
1. Yesterday was Independence Day..my absolute favorite holiday besides Christmas. I hope that you stopped to remember the soldiers who have fought and those that continue to fight to keep our country free.
2. We went over to our neighbors house for some fireworks and sparklers. Will was waving around his old fashioned enormous sparkler like a wand and one of the girls said touch my head like the Fairy Godmother does. Will replied, I can't. I'll catch your hair on fire.
3. Amelia did twirl and wave her sparkler around like the Fairy Godmother and the tip went flying off right into the grass, setting it on fire. Bella did the same thing and sent sparks flying into the "audience"..
4. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I walk in the morning with my neighbor Heather at 5:30. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I do not get a hug first thing in the morning when the girls come running down the stairs to see me. I stink and need a shower. They blow me a kiss and tell me they'll hug me later.
5. Amelia announced this week that it is time for us to have another baby. I said we can't have anymore babies. She looked at me rather puzzled and said just go to the doctor and pick one up..
6. Amelia was practicing writing her letters and a few words yesterday. She wrote several letters and then looked up at me and said how do I write "LMNToe-P"
7. I have never seen two girls fight over a boy like my girls fight over Drew. All I can say is I hope that some day they don't happen to actually like the same boy when they are older because we will be in trouble..if this is how they argue over their brother.
8. I am starting the search for Beyonce's brother. Except I want Beyonce's brother to be ENORMOUS and paint him to look like Kiss. Maybe 10 feet tall not five. I am going to name him Gene Simmons and plant him outside the office of my most special friend. 15 years is big metal chickens don't ya know.
9. Amelia has been swimming so much this summer that her hair has turned green. It happens to everyone but was honestly a first for us. We're treating with a special shampoo, conditioner and leave-in spray..
10. A surprise visit next week from Nene, Poppy and Granny Willy.. The kids don't know but Will is going to be surprised when Nene shows up for dinner on Thursday night for Drew's birthday cake.
2. We went over to our neighbors house for some fireworks and sparklers. Will was waving around his old fashioned enormous sparkler like a wand and one of the girls said touch my head like the Fairy Godmother does. Will replied, I can't. I'll catch your hair on fire.
3. Amelia did twirl and wave her sparkler around like the Fairy Godmother and the tip went flying off right into the grass, setting it on fire. Bella did the same thing and sent sparks flying into the "audience"..
4. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I walk in the morning with my neighbor Heather at 5:30. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I do not get a hug first thing in the morning when the girls come running down the stairs to see me. I stink and need a shower. They blow me a kiss and tell me they'll hug me later.
5. Amelia announced this week that it is time for us to have another baby. I said we can't have anymore babies. She looked at me rather puzzled and said just go to the doctor and pick one up..
6. Amelia was practicing writing her letters and a few words yesterday. She wrote several letters and then looked up at me and said how do I write "LMNToe-P"
7. I have never seen two girls fight over a boy like my girls fight over Drew. All I can say is I hope that some day they don't happen to actually like the same boy when they are older because we will be in trouble..if this is how they argue over their brother.
8. I am starting the search for Beyonce's brother. Except I want Beyonce's brother to be ENORMOUS and paint him to look like Kiss. Maybe 10 feet tall not five. I am going to name him Gene Simmons and plant him outside the office of my most special friend. 15 years is big metal chickens don't ya know.
9. Amelia has been swimming so much this summer that her hair has turned green. It happens to everyone but was honestly a first for us. We're treating with a special shampoo, conditioner and leave-in spray..
10. A surprise visit next week from Nene, Poppy and Granny Willy.. The kids don't know but Will is going to be surprised when Nene shows up for dinner on Thursday night for Drew's birthday cake.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
a must read..
So I didn't write this and it does have some swearing if you are easily offended it may not be for you. But this is seriously the funniest story I have read in awhile.. I literally was crying and laughing out loud when I read it..
Ten on Tuesday
1. I believe this is my third ToT post that I will speak of Jason's job.. Still no news..myabe we'll hear the final word that they told us we would hear at the end of May by the end of July. The longer this crap..and yes, it is total crap..goes on the more furious I become.
2. I think the only person that could maybe be more furious about this job situation than the soldier is the soldier's wife. And when my kids are four weeks into not seeing their daddy and crying their eyes out?
Mr Assignments Officer, responsible for all the crying? I'll be calling you with the crying kids.
3. And don't you think for a second I won't.
4. Drew has decided that his oldest sister's name is Belga. He yells up the stairs "Time to eat Belga." or "Read me a book Belga".
5. Belga isn't so sure about her new name and wants to know how long he plans on calling her this..
6. This week I told Will I loved him and he said..I love you to Mama but just so you know I am marrying Sammy. I love her.
7. This week Jason explained to Bella that when he was little he used to hang his clothing outside on a clothes line to dry. She looked at him really confused and said, Was the dryer not invented yet?
8. Amelia has made a new friend at the swimming pool. A little kindergarten boy from our neighborhood that she calls her boy. Tonight at dinner she said, I have two boys now. Jack and Lee.
I said you have a lot of friends. She looked at me funny and said, Jack and Lee are not my friends they are my boys.
10. We are almost at the end of summer dance. The girls have really enjoyed themselves and are learning a lot each week. I really need to work on my bun technique..it is sad.
2. I think the only person that could maybe be more furious about this job situation than the soldier is the soldier's wife. And when my kids are four weeks into not seeing their daddy and crying their eyes out?
Mr Assignments Officer, responsible for all the crying? I'll be calling you with the crying kids.
3. And don't you think for a second I won't.
4. Drew has decided that his oldest sister's name is Belga. He yells up the stairs "Time to eat Belga." or "Read me a book Belga".
5. Belga isn't so sure about her new name and wants to know how long he plans on calling her this..
6. This week I told Will I loved him and he said..I love you to Mama but just so you know I am marrying Sammy. I love her.
7. This week Jason explained to Bella that when he was little he used to hang his clothing outside on a clothes line to dry. She looked at him really confused and said, Was the dryer not invented yet?
8. Amelia has made a new friend at the swimming pool. A little kindergarten boy from our neighborhood that she calls her boy. Tonight at dinner she said, I have two boys now. Jack and Lee.
I said you have a lot of friends. She looked at me funny and said, Jack and Lee are not my friends they are my boys.
10. We are almost at the end of summer dance. The girls have really enjoyed themselves and are learning a lot each week. I really need to work on my bun technique..it is sad.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Ten on Tuesday
1. Jason reached fifteen years of service on June 1st. I am so proud of him and all that he has accomplished along this long selfless road..
2. 1820 days until retirement. After the weekend and week that we have had, it can't come soon enough. We will have one more PCS after this and then it's peace-out..
3. Still waiting on final word on where Jason is going. Again. I will go on record as saying the assignments guy - especially one that's been on the job for two weeks- is my least favorite guy in the army..
4. I hope that all the Dads out there had a Happy Father's Day.. We spent Sunday at church and later the best Daddy in the world took his favorite kids to the swimming pool..
5. In honor of Father's Day I didn't want to disappoint my own Father and decided that Ten on Tuesday better actually show up on Tuesday this week when the World's Greatest Dad likes to read it. Happy Fathers Day Poppy, we love and miss you!!
6. We have been swimming every day since last Monday. Will actually puts his face under water now and is working on opening his eyes. Drew can blow bubbles in the water and Amelia now has the confidence to swim across the pool completely by herself. She could alawys swim but just wasn't so sure about herself.
7. Bella has been reading Junie B. Jones every day this summer. She is now reading "quietly in her head" some days which makes me laugh to myself.
8. Yesterday I asked Will what he would like for breakfast and he replied, Nene..I miss her. Not pancakes or eggs for Will. Nene.
9. Drew is slowly but surely talking more. Last night he said "Bella read me." and handed her a book.
10. Drew is also the only one of our kids that is brave enough (or crazy enough) to sneak my Diet Mt Dew at the swimming pool. It is in a cup with a straw and he likes to sip away. The other kids have never liked anything with carbonation..Drew could care less as long as it comes with a straw!
2. 1820 days until retirement. After the weekend and week that we have had, it can't come soon enough. We will have one more PCS after this and then it's peace-out..
3. Still waiting on final word on where Jason is going. Again. I will go on record as saying the assignments guy - especially one that's been on the job for two weeks- is my least favorite guy in the army..
4. I hope that all the Dads out there had a Happy Father's Day.. We spent Sunday at church and later the best Daddy in the world took his favorite kids to the swimming pool..
5. In honor of Father's Day I didn't want to disappoint my own Father and decided that Ten on Tuesday better actually show up on Tuesday this week when the World's Greatest Dad likes to read it. Happy Fathers Day Poppy, we love and miss you!!
6. We have been swimming every day since last Monday. Will actually puts his face under water now and is working on opening his eyes. Drew can blow bubbles in the water and Amelia now has the confidence to swim across the pool completely by herself. She could alawys swim but just wasn't so sure about herself.
7. Bella has been reading Junie B. Jones every day this summer. She is now reading "quietly in her head" some days which makes me laugh to myself.
8. Yesterday I asked Will what he would like for breakfast and he replied, Nene..I miss her. Not pancakes or eggs for Will. Nene.
9. Drew is slowly but surely talking more. Last night he said "Bella read me." and handed her a book.
10. Drew is also the only one of our kids that is brave enough (or crazy enough) to sneak my Diet Mt Dew at the swimming pool. It is in a cup with a straw and he likes to sip away. The other kids have never liked anything with carbonation..Drew could care less as long as it comes with a straw!
Monday, June 13, 2011
You looked so little when I dropped you off on your first day of school. It was really the second and you being you were a little annoyed that the boys got to attend school and meet your teacher before you did.. Patience was something that I new you would learn in a class this big and you did as well as a six year old can. I'm so proud of you and all that you accomplished.
Your teacher had curly hair and you were really excited about that. I was excited that she treated you like a little person, responsible for your own actions. You needed to be able to do certain things for yourself and you were responsible for your behavior. No one was more upset than you on the few days you had to move to yellow.. It was like the world had ended and in all honesty I wanted you to think it had. You are responsible for your own actions.
The best teachers teach from the heart, not the book. And that was never more apparent than after April 27th. While she taught you to read and write and count higher, you learned a invaluable lesson about life from Mrs H.
One that I hope that you will always remember. I know that your Daddy and I will.
We are so proud of you and we love you.
Your teacher had curly hair and you were really excited about that. I was excited that she treated you like a little person, responsible for your own actions. You needed to be able to do certain things for yourself and you were responsible for your behavior. No one was more upset than you on the few days you had to move to yellow.. It was like the world had ended and in all honesty I wanted you to think it had. You are responsible for your own actions.
The best teachers teach from the heart, not the book. And that was never more apparent than after April 27th. While she taught you to read and write and count higher, you learned a invaluable lesson about life from Mrs H.
One that I hope that you will always remember. I know that your Daddy and I will.
We are so proud of you and we love you.
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