You looked so little when I dropped you off on your first day of school. It was really the second and you being you were a little annoyed that the boys got to attend school and meet your teacher before you did.. Patience was something that I new you would learn in a class this big and you did as well as a six year old can. I'm so proud of you and all that you accomplished.
Your teacher had curly hair and you were really excited about that. I was excited that she treated you like a little person, responsible for your own actions. You needed to be able to do certain things for yourself and you were responsible for your behavior. No one was more upset than you on the few days you had to move to yellow.. It was like the world had ended and in all honesty I wanted you to think it had. You are responsible for your own actions.
The best teachers teach from the heart, not the book. And that was never more apparent than after April 27th. While she taught you to read and write and count higher, you learned a invaluable lesson about life from Mrs H.
One that I hope that you will always remember. I know that your Daddy and I will.
We are so proud of you and we love you.
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