
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ten on Tuesday.

1. I swear that Amelia is going to kill me with her lunchtime eating habits. She eats two bites of her sandwhich at school and maybe two grapes. She is responsible for her own lunch and eating it..

2. Let me just say that this is not my first rodeo and said lunch contains all items that Amelia should and will eat. It doesn't contain weird things that a four year old would be opposed too. Amelia just chooses not to eat them at school.

3. Imagine how happy she is when it's snack time every day and she is presented with her lunchbox and an array of lovely options.

4. Bella announced yesterday that she was tired of big, enormous, curly hair. She wants flat hair. Well kiddo, you better just embrace the big hair on your head and do your part to bring the 80's back..

5. In case you are wondering, Will is still in love with his boots.

6. Only in the south can you go swimming on September 17th. This is why I will never live in the north again if I can help it.

7. Grami arrives Thursday to visit..

8. Amelia scored too many goals to count this weekend at her soccer game. This weekend we're going to work on winning modestly.

9. Miss Casey came back from Texas this weekend. Only one thing is better than Miss Christina at our house on Saturday afternoon for a party according to the girls. When Miss Christina brings Miss Casey!

10. And finally people..we achieved an impossible task. Will grew an actual watermelon this summer. I can't even tell you how many times he and his sisters went and checked on their garden. I can tell you that, I forgot to water the garden. The garden was planted in my landscaping, a place I was super excited about. The watermelon is the size of a lime..but it's a melon. Will is overjoyed :)

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