Ahhhh, Mr. Will. It has been a busy year for the big man. I look at him every day and I really can't believe he is two. I know that every mother says this but I really can't believe how fast he is growing. It has been an interesting year with the wonderboy to say the least. Will is much more energetic than the girls and has to be occupied and entertained or he makes his own adventure. His idea of a good adventure and mine vary drastically so we do our best to keep him busy. He is attending preschool two days a week now. I agonized over this decision. I know that it is very beneficial for him to be around other children his own age but I really thought he was too little. Finally in mid-October I enrolled him in one morning and this month he started going two. He loves it and I have gotten very positive feedback from his teacher. He shares his toys, waits his turn and is one of two children that understands the concept of cleaning up. This is a pretty big deal for a just turned two year old! We are very proud of all that he has accomplished this year.

waiting for his present to be brought in.

This year for his birthday he received a new bicycle. He was super excited about and started running across the house screaming "bike, bike, bike!" as soon as he saw it.

Happy Birthday Will!! We love you!
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