As most of you know, we had planned to surprise the kids with a trip to Disney a few days after Christmas this year. I booked the hotel reservations a year ago and the dining reservations 3 months ago. It was a complete disaster. I planned our wedding from start to finish in three months (most people do it in twelve) and that was by far less stressful and easier than making dining reservations at Disney World. It was by far the worst customer service experience I have ever had. I worked retail and consider myself much more patient than the average shopper/vacation planner but this was seriously awful. I was in tears several times and less than excited to go. Let alone spend thousands of dollars at a place that made me feel extremely unwelcome before even setting foot on the park. Still we thought the kids would have fun and we would make the best of it for them. Then we drove to Oklahoma. Ten plus hours in the car each way, with four kids, was not a good time. The kids just started sleeping through the night again last week. I knew being in a hotel for 7 days would have the same sleepless results. Drew is still little and carting him around in a stroller or Bjorn would not be the most comfortable for him. Even as easy going as he is, it was asking a lot of a five month old. We talked about it and decided to cancel the trip.
Since we cancelled our Disney trip we planned to come to my parents house after Christmas. Then we decided to surprise my family before. We do not usually travel over the holidays because we want the kids to have traditions that they remember, in their own house. We want them to wake up in their own beds on Christmas morning. We told my Dad we were coming and surprised my mom on Wednesday. I wish I had thought to have my camera ready when the kids rang the doorbell. We surprised my grandparents on both sides for Christmas! The surprise itself was a lot of fun and I'm really proud of myself for pulling it off. Spending Christmas with Jason and the kids and my family was the best. It was just like I remembered it growing up. Gracie, our elf, was here waiting for us when we arrived. She told Santa where we were and he brought some of the presents here and left some at home. We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!!

Drew's first Christmas

some of the great-grandchildren and kate

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