Friday night Jason and I had to attend a "Hail and Farewell" party. Our wonderful neighbors Susan and Troy came over to watch the little ones. The girls played "beauty shop" with Miss Susan and Amelia couldn't have enough ponytails. They also had a "pink party" complete with pink milk, pink ice cream and my all-time favorite, Lofthouse cookies with the pink frosting. Delicious. Truth be told, I might have skipped the night out if I knew the cookies were going to make an appearance. Will is now addicted to pink milk and stands at the refrigerator door screeching for more.

On Saturday we went to Build A Bear for Valentine's Day. Bella also wanted to jump on the giant trampoline in the mall. Amelia was all harnessed and ready to go and then decided at the last minute she would rather watch. Maybe one day. Speaking of Amelia, she has recently become interested in identifying body parts. I'm not talking the basics: ears, nose, mouth, etc. She's had those down for quite some time. She's more interested the specific male and female parts and telling me if someone is a girl or boy. Lately her favorite is "boobies" (she's definitely not a stickler for proper terminology) and she's more than happy to point yours out. Consider this a warning. I can hardly wait until she reaches the "big" and "small" identifying phase like Bella. I think I'm going to be hoping for that giant hole to swallow me again.
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