I was hoping the klutziness would stop with just me and was pleasantly surprised to see how coordinated Bella was. From a young age she could run without tripping over her own two feet and rarely has bumps or bruises. Maybe there is hope after all.
Amelia on the other hand is a different story. She unfortunately inherited her coordination from her mother. She also runs everywhere and trips on her own two feet in fast motion. She has had bruises, black eyes, scraped knees and a pretty fierce scar on her cheek that she received when she fell off the side of our completely still treadmill. She has fallen off the kitchen chairs numerous times. It's a now you see her now you don't kind of thing. While it really isn't funny I have to try really hard not to laugh whenever she does it. I can't help it. I have flashbacks to a good friend of mine falling out of a bar stool on two different occasions. Both times she reached down for her purse and hit the floor instead. The first time I was in complete shock and couldn't even move. The second, I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. This is the gracefulness I see in Amelia's future.
Yesterday we were cleaning up the toyroom when she tripped over the carpet. Yes, carpet. She wasn't exactly walking on an uneven surface with debris in her way. She tripped on the carpet and fell into one of the pillars. Amelia has a lovely purple bump and left a good sized dent and crack in the pillar. (I should point out this is the second pillar she has put a hole in with her head.) I'm beginning to wonder if they make those sumo-wrestling suits in children's sizes or if I should stick with good old fashioned bubble wrap and a helmet.
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