But man do I love this little/big company that started six years ago in a town an hour away from where I grew up. In the last two years, I really haven't purchased anything else. In the beginning it was because it resells well. Now it is because, well, it's just close to my heart. It is close to my girls heart.
I worked in retail for several years before Jason and I got married. I was a store manager and always had an opinion on what little girls should dress like. Now, today, I think that image has gone down hill drastically. I don't know much but I can tell you my kids aren't wearing booty shorts and my washing machine isn't going to be coated in glitter. My girls, thanks to small miracles, have avoided knowing who Justin Beiber really is. But they can tell you who Miss Mimi is and where to get Matilda Jane. I know my days are numbered with it but I'm going to ride this wagon as long as I can. I'm going to buy from a company that gives back to the community. That builds houses for people that lost them. That periodically sends clothing, entire boxes of clothing to people "just to spread the love". I triple heart love this company and it's clothing.
So much love, that I drove 9 hours to Indiana, went to party and camped out in an alley for 11 hours, guarding the front of the line like we were holding down the Alamo, to be 3rd in line to purchase some clothing. Yes, I said purchase the clothing. They weren't giving the clothing away. I was buying it. But ohhh, it is beautiful and my girls love it. And I laughed all night and who cares if I slept 3 of 36 hours and had a perfectly good bed at a Hilton hotel? It was worth it and I will totally do it again next year with the rest of the people that completely think this is acceptable behavior like me.
My favorite part of the entire trip? I spoke to Denise several times, the first time introducing myself. I said, there are literally thousands of people here and you don't know me. Her response - to look at my name tag and say HI ERIN"
and I continued on, I live in Alabama and last year we were hit with tornados...
And she said "I remember you!! You wrote me a letter! About your friend! How is she? How is her house?"
I triple heart love this company and it's founder with the heart of gold and the friends I've made along the way. There's no one else I'd rather camp in an alley for ellie's with.

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