1. My bathroom conversation with Amelia.."When I get bigger I'm only going to have one baby. I don't want my belly to look like yours." Lucky for you sister #2, I was willing to sacrifice my six pack.
2. I think the only person more excited in our house for me to get my hair done is Amelia. She knows that when I see Miss Kris I will return to the house with straight hair and for a little while she and I will have the same hair.
3. When we arrived in Ohio, from our tornado damaged state we didn't know how long we would be here. My mom gave Will a huge hug and said "I am so glad to see you and I am so happy you are here. What happened?" and this is what he said, "Alabama is broken."
4. I have to admit that my brother's "siren" ring on his cellphone wasn't the least bit funny last Thursday night. The first three times I heard it I literally scanned the area for my children and looked for an escape route to the pantry. And I'm not kidding.
5. The boys are no longer afraid of the 5 pound attack dog Tinkerbelle that terrified them when we arrived at Nene's. Will walks her around on a leash now and Drew says "NO". Amelia bosses her around like she is the queen of England.
6. My niece is an only child. Obviously my children are not. Parker was greatly offended when Will told her she was "stinky Parker". In true Will fashion, once he found out it bothered her, he told her again.
7. School begins on Wednesday. Please keep these children and the teachers in your prayers..especially Bella's teacher.
8. I am amazed by this little community that I now call home. You haven't read about or heard much about us on the news but BIG things are happening here. The people take care of one another and it is a-ma-zing.
9. The death of the most wanted terrorist is a victory for our MILITARY.
It is a win for the men and women who have fought this war, with their hands and with their blood.
It is not a victory for a politician, who voted against this war and just three weeks ago thought it was okay, under the stress of the budget for the same Navy Seal team 6 and their family to go without pay.
10. If #9 becomes the saving grace for said politicians relection campaign I'm going to have a heart attack.
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