2. He decided to wax the floors with Handsoap on Tuesday and sunscreen on Wednesday. On Thursday he decided to fog the the bathroom with Tinactin. I guess he was worried about airborne athlete's foot. Either way it was disgusting and extremely difficult to clean up.
3. Will has been sneaking out of bed a lot. Almost every single night. He always goes to Jason's side of the bed and Jason lets him snuggle up with him all night. He then returns him to his own bed around 5 when I get up for the day. Ugh. I'm so not looking forward to retraining him to sleep in his own bed. AGAIN.
4. The girls are both in private swimming lessons and are doing very well. The lessons are three weeks long and Bella is pretty much swimming on her own already. She just needs to work on her breathing.
5. I purchased a Puddle Jumper for Will after last week's water disaster. I wasn't too impressed with it at first. It was supposed to help him learn to swim and he was just floating. Amelia had it on today and swam in it for two hours. I am now impressed because she was swimming all over the place.
6. The kids caught another fever virus. Friday night they spiked 102 fevers that lasted sometime into the middle of the night Saturday. The poor things were miserable. Several times we couldn't find Will and he was upstairs laying on his bedroom floor. For Will, that's sick.
7. We have hit the babysitter jackpot. The kids love her. I love her. She is awesome. I went to Jason's goodbye lunch last week and she came over to watch the kids. I always tell her to let them do whatever she's comfortable with. This time she took them on a walk up the street. (note, when I take them on a walk Will and Drew both ride and the girls walk.) Sammy pushed Drew in the stroller and Amelia held her hand. Bella rode her bike and Will walked in front of her pushing a grocery cart. She said they all listened and stayed with her the entire time. You have no idea how much I wish I had a picture of this little excursion.
8. Jason has five days left of work and he will officially be a full-time student for 18 months..
9. We are finally seeing a little bit of Drew's temper come out. He reminds me so much of Jason. Very slow to anger but when he gets mad watch out. He's mad and there's not stopping him.
10. The girls love to sing. Every day you will hear them in the car and around the house singing. They are still singing the songs they learned at VBS and school. Some of their favorites are Sally Walker, Zaccheus, SaddleRidge Ranch, yes to VBS and some happy song that I don't know the title too. Will is even starting to join in. In the car they love to sing along with the radio and I'm having to screen my music selections now that I know they're listening too.
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