1. The virus lived on last week. Bella was put on augmentin and still carried a 102 fever for three days. We had to take her in to the pediatrician twice. Thankfully we are blessed (and I'm talking miracle in itself) that we have an actual intelligent, civilian doctor in an off-post office, when we live by a military post, caring for my children. He is amazing and so kind and caring to my children. Even when a certain five year old is less than pleasant to him. He checked her lungs, pulse/ox, gave her two antibiotic shots (after the actual meds weren't working) and sent her in for full labs, swabs and chest xrays.
2. My daughter, who weighs 32 pounds soaking weight, was dehydrated from the vomit ting and became overly exhausted walking from the couch to the car turned into the Incredible Hulk as soon as she saw the shots enter the room. It took four of us to hold her down and keep her on the table.
3. This same daughter, sat calmly and watched them stick her a total of three times, never saying a word through five viles of blood.
4. All chest xrays and blood work came back clear and she is expected to recover in a few days.
5. Drew was diagnosed with asthma on the day he turned 9 months old. He is now on daily nebulizer. We'll see in the next year or two how his lungs respond. We live in a horrible allergy zone and are just preparing and educating ourselves and those around us.
6. Who needs Tony Horton when I have to administer two separate breathing treatments a day to Hercules?
7. Will and Amelia were very patient and calm during all of this. Very un-Will and Amelia-like. They understood that we couldn't go outside even though it was beautiful outside. They sat quietly and patiently during all our doctor's appointments. I was really proud of them since the bulk of the attention was focused elsewhere.
8. I took the girls for their very first mani-pedis to celebrate and relax after the difficult week. They loved it and are already asking when we can go again.
9. I've been walking the greenway with Drew most mornings after preschool drop off with a few of my friends. I took Bella and Drew last Thursday and on the way back from the 4 mile hike, I see in the middle of the path a lovely black, three foot snake waiting for me. Yuck. I have the heebie jeebies just typing it. I calmly stop and back away from the area just as the snake turns and hisses at me. I'm not big on snake identification and I wasn't taking any chances. I also don't want to pass my fears onto my children so I very calmly say, "Oh look at the little snake. We'll just wait for him to cross back here." Bella looks pulls back her canopy and replies, "little?! that snake is SUPER DUPER BIG. Get us out of here."
10. I ended the week with a severe allergy attack. I went to the doctor and have an ear and sinus infection and am being referred to an allergist and asthma doctor. Thankfully the steroids kicked in pretty quickly and all the other medications seem to be helping. The worst part, my hernia is completely back from all the coughing and I don't think there's any way around surgery now. Sigh.
I hope everyone has a fantastic week! I just hope we are all on the road to a healthier place.
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