1. We enjoyed a very nice visit with one of Jason's best friends, Leith. He was in town on business and was able to come over for dinner. The kids adore Mr. Leith and climb on him like he's a jungle gym. Thankfully Leith has three kids of his own and while I'm sure he was looking forward to a night of relaxation, he was Super Leith and entertained the kids for hours. They love him, we love him and wish the Army stationed us all in the same city for once.
2. Kindergarten registration is this week. Do I really have someone old enough to be in kindergarten? A certain five and a half year old assures me that I do. I'm a little in shock that it's considered necessary here to take the deed to my HOUSE to register for kindergarten. Whatever happened to just a utility bill?!
3. We've lived here four years and I don't think I'll ever get used to the crazy drivers. It is legal to make a u-turn at a red light here and it drives me absolutely insane. Here I sit ready to make a right turn on red and some crazy person whips a uturn at a the stop light into the far right hand lane that I'm turning into, almost hits me and stares at me like I don't know how to drive. It's absurd.
4. Will's favorite song to sing right now is "5 little Monkey's Jumping on the Bed" It's so cute and I love hearing him speak so clearly. I don't think it's so cute that the last little monkey jumping on the bed, usually at nap time when he's supposed to be sleeping, is Will.
5. Drew has decided he no longer wants to eat bottles and now prefers jar food only. I am happy to report he has finally branched out from foods containing only bananas.
6. We spent Saturday inside waiting out the terrible weather. The entire city shut down and the storm shelters opened up in preparation for the tornadoes. Thankfully, they didn't hit us. This time. I would also like to look up the assignment officer who pumped the climate up to us with his stellar meteorology knowledge a few years ago. We are clearly on a tornado belt. And for the record, it ALSO snows.
7. The girls told me Sunday they wished just once I could go on a business trip and their Daddy could stay home. They love me but he always has to leave and I always have to stay. I think I have some extended business in Hawaii or Europe that must be attended to.
8. Huge potty training success this week with Will. He chose to receive a tattoo every time he uses the potty and it's WORKING!! If you see him out and he's fully "sleeved" that's why. I know it's a weird way to reward him but he needed something better than a sticker. He even has them on his feet and tomorrow we're going to try the big boy underwear...
9. NeNe and Poppy arrive in eleven days. We're counting down on the calendar and that seems to be the only thing that have temporarily stopped the tears lately. I hope they're prepared for all the fun activities the girls have planned while they're in town.
10. Tonight we went to dinner at our good friends house. It is now a unanimous decision that Miss Kathleen is a better cook than Mama. Isabella said on the way home "that was the best macaroni I ever had" and Amelia, "I loved her chicken. It was so much better than yours." Will, "Uh-huh. Yummy". I'm so thankful for good food and even better friends to get us through the long days ahead.