At the beginning of every football season, Jason and I agree to disagree. We know that we always have and always will favor different football teams. This became overly apparent when we were still dating and I took him to meet some friends at BWs to watch the game. We lost to Wisconsin and I think everyone in the bar was crushed. Except Jason who sat there smiling because he was rooting against us the entire game. Over the years we have called many truces and agreed to keep the trash talking to a minimum. Let me point out, since this is my blog, that when our teams did actually meet in January of 2005 my OSU walked away victorious. Was there any doubt? I didn't think so. The kids divide their game gear into orange and black and scarlet and grey. T-sirts and cheerleading outfits sent in from friends and family to help them support their teams. They wear it with pride and can sing the Buckeye Battle Cry and shoot em up like Pistol Pete himself. We have taught them well.
When we moved to our current home, we were asked (almost immediately) which football team we would cheer for. Jason has followed his Cowboys through four countries and six states. While I might have left Ohio, the Buckeye in me definitely has not. We do agree on one thing, the SEC is not the be all-end all of college football. I never thought I would say this..ever..but I despise Florida and their beloved QB more than I have ever hated Michigan. Unheard of from a Buckeye. We also realize we are clearly the minority in an area where crimson or orange/navy can be seen in all directions. We quietly listen but our loyalty remains to our team. We were hopeful that even though the three youngest children were born in Bama they wouldn't follow the football teams.
You can imagine our surprise Sunday afternoon when we heard both our girls, in their southern drawls no less, running around chanting "rooooooooollll tiiiiide roooooooooooolll tiiiide rooooooooooooollllllll tiiide" I looked at Jason as if they had just dropped a four letter word and said "what did they just say?!" His response, "You've got to be kidding me." Mine, "I think I just threw up in my mouth."
A house divided indeed.
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