I took the kids to my old church while we were in town. It is one of the many things I miss about home. The pastor that married Jason and I is still there and it is always nice to catch up. He retired from the military himself so I feel like he understands a lot of what we go through on a daily basis. I should mention that when we attend church here, we go to the Baptist church where Bella attends preschool. All the children go to "children's church" (story/playtime) and Bella loves it. I grew up sitting through Mass with my parents, "children's church" was a shortened version of mass beforehand in the children's chapel. That being said I am always nervous about taking the kids to my church because it is a different experience for them. Bella talked to the Pastor afterwards, he has known her since she was a little baby. It was the third Sunday of Lent and she wanted to know why he was wearing a "purple dress"? I thought I was going to die of embarrassment. The Pastor just laughed and said kids ask him that all the time.
We also drove by the Longaberger Basket. I have lived in Ohio almost my entire life and have never seen it. I was once told you are a "world traveler" once you see the basket. Ha. I think I'll hold out for the Eiffel Tower. And I'm not talking the replica at Kings Island. The girls loved the basket and wanted to know if there were giant Easter eggs inside.
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