Tuesday, March 31, 2009
big boy bed
Will's big boy bed has arrived. He is a master climber and I know it is only a matter of time before he climbs out of his crib. We want to move him before that happens. Hopefully it will be a smooth transition!!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
when Bella grows up
Bella always talks about what she is going to do when she grows up. She always says she is going to marry her friend Dominic and she's going to have 17 children.
Tonight her plans changed. She told us that when she grows up she is going to marry her Daddy. She's going to have two chilren and she's going to name them Juan and Richard.
Tonight her plans changed. She told us that when she grows up she is going to marry her Daddy. She's going to have two chilren and she's going to name them Juan and Richard.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
house guest
This little guy was waiting for us when we came home Sunday morning. Just seeing him, hanging upside down from my house totally gave me the heebie-jeebies. I'm not a critter person, big or small. I had visions of this thing flying in my house and flapping around. Gross. The girls thought he was "cute" and were sad that he only stayed for one day. I could not have been more relieved!

We took the kids bowling for the first time while we were in Ohio. Everyone had a great time. Will's favorite part was picking up the ball and carrying it up to the lane. Amelia and Bella were better than I expected. Jason and I are both horrible at bowling. Amelia bowled a 75 and Bella even bowled a strike.

Sunday, March 22, 2009
ready for summer
We have the hardest time finding bathing suits for Bella. She is very tiny but super long. Usually we have to get bikinis in smaller sizes just so the bottoms stay up. I'm not thrilled about some of the bikini choices and she is very picky about how the tops fit. She picked this suit out while we were home. It was so cute I had to take a picture.
must love shoes
Amelia is potty trained!! I was totally nervous about embarking on the "potty adventure". Amelia is by far my most independent child and I knew using the big girl potty would have to be something she really wanted to do. (I was also completely spoiled by Bella who was potty trained in three days.) Amelia has done fantastic and only had two accidents on the first and second day. We are so proud of her and relieved to not have two in diapers. I was nervous about taking her on a 7 hour road trip so soon after potty training but she did amazing.
I had told Amelia that she could pick out anything she wanted for a "potty reward" once she was out of diapers and this is what she chose. I'm not surprised given the fact that she loves shoes. She is the only two year old I know that can actually run in pretend high heels. The picture doesn't really capture the shoes in all their sparkly, glittery, lime green glory. Amelia, of course, loves them.
I had told Amelia that she could pick out anything she wanted for a "potty reward" once she was out of diapers and this is what she chose. I'm not surprised given the fact that she loves shoes. She is the only two year old I know that can actually run in pretend high heels. The picture doesn't really capture the shoes in all their sparkly, glittery, lime green glory. Amelia, of course, loves them.
trip home
People have been asking me where we are hiding. We were in CBus on spring break this past week and enjoying some downtime with family and friends. Jason stayed behind to study for the GMAT. (I'm wondering if he spent more time playing Mafia Wars on Facebook). Nothing too exciting happened while we were out of town.

I took the kids to my old church while we were in town. It is one of the many things I miss about home. The pastor that married Jason and I is still there and it is always nice to catch up. He retired from the military himself so I feel like he understands a lot of what we go through on a daily basis. I should mention that when we attend church here, we go to the Baptist church where Bella attends preschool. All the children go to "children's church" (story/playtime) and Bella loves it. I grew up sitting through Mass with my parents, "children's church" was a shortened version of mass beforehand in the children's chapel. That being said I am always nervous about taking the kids to my church because it is a different experience for them. Bella talked to the Pastor afterwards, he has known her since she was a little baby. It was the third Sunday of Lent and she wanted to know why he was wearing a "purple dress"? I thought I was going to die of embarrassment. The Pastor just laughed and said kids ask him that all the time.
We also drove by the Longaberger Basket. I have lived in Ohio almost my entire life and have never seen it. I was once told you are a "world traveler" once you see the basket. Ha. I think I'll hold out for the Eiffel Tower. And I'm not talking the replica at Kings Island. The girls loved the basket and wanted to know if there were giant Easter eggs inside.
I took the kids to my old church while we were in town. It is one of the many things I miss about home. The pastor that married Jason and I is still there and it is always nice to catch up. He retired from the military himself so I feel like he understands a lot of what we go through on a daily basis. I should mention that when we attend church here, we go to the Baptist church where Bella attends preschool. All the children go to "children's church" (story/playtime) and Bella loves it. I grew up sitting through Mass with my parents, "children's church" was a shortened version of mass beforehand in the children's chapel. That being said I am always nervous about taking the kids to my church because it is a different experience for them. Bella talked to the Pastor afterwards, he has known her since she was a little baby. It was the third Sunday of Lent and she wanted to know why he was wearing a "purple dress"? I thought I was going to die of embarrassment. The Pastor just laughed and said kids ask him that all the time.
We also drove by the Longaberger Basket. I have lived in Ohio almost my entire life and have never seen it. I was once told you are a "world traveler" once you see the basket. Ha. I think I'll hold out for the Eiffel Tower. And I'm not talking the replica at Kings Island. The girls loved the basket and wanted to know if there were giant Easter eggs inside.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
the dancing show
Most of you know that one of Bella's favorite shows is Dancing With the Stars or as it is known in our house, the dancing show. She loves it and has been anxiously anticipating the season premier for weeks now. She was super excited Monday night and couldn't wait to get her dancing shoes on. She even unzipped Will's pajamas so he looked more like "Maks" and was ready for the "ballroom". Bella's favorite is Julianne and she especially loves to watch her.

Saturday, March 7, 2009
who needs toys
princess panties
We have been patient with Amelia and her potty-training. Bella was completely potty trained in a weekend. This has not been the case with Amelia. I prefer big girl panties to diapers but we don't want to push her and frustrate her. About a month ago she began to tell us whenever she needed her diaper changed. We casually started to sit her on the potty and nothing. Until meal times. As soon as I sat down at the table, she would announce that she had to use the potty. We would spend most of breakfast, lunch and dinner in the bathroom. It was very annoying and frustrating for me.
My mom has been in town for a couple of weeks and has really worked with Amelia and her potty. I don't believe in using pull-ups and have just left her in a diaper. (For some people they work but they never did for us.) Amelia has been very good about telling someone when she has to use the bathroom and has had dry diapers for a week. Every single time she uses the bathroom, she excitedly asks if she can wear her big girl panties yet. The deal was a week of dry diapers and we would try out the panties. Today is the day! She chose Snow White as the first pair of big girl panties to wear and is doing great!! I hope this is finally a break through on the potty front.
My mom has been in town for a couple of weeks and has really worked with Amelia and her potty. I don't believe in using pull-ups and have just left her in a diaper. (For some people they work but they never did for us.) Amelia has been very good about telling someone when she has to use the bathroom and has had dry diapers for a week. Every single time she uses the bathroom, she excitedly asks if she can wear her big girl panties yet. The deal was a week of dry diapers and we would try out the panties. Today is the day! She chose Snow White as the first pair of big girl panties to wear and is doing great!! I hope this is finally a break through on the potty front.
Friday, March 6, 2009
dance pictures
baby boy
We had our ultrasound earlier this week. The baby is measuring right on time and everything looks good. The ultrasound went normally until it was time to identify it's anatomy. The little one had it's legs firmly crossed with the umbilical cord right between them! Everything we needed to see was completely hidden. After being tilted backwards on the table and rolling over in both directions, still nothing. Our nurse is a good friend of mine and was in watching the ultrasound with us. She went and got me a several sodas and some chocolate. I chugged a diet Mt Dew and ate all the chocolate of course. It was for the baby after all. After waiting for a couple of minutes, we started again. Immediately the technician saw a little boy! I was convinced we were having a girl and was in total shock. Jason was even more surprised than I was. We are extremely happy and excited for another little boy. Will needs a partner in crime and someone to teach all his tricks to.

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