Today is my little Amelia's 2nd Birthday. I know everyone says this but time really has flown by. Amelia, to me at least, seems so much older than two years old and many days I have to remind myself that I am speaking to someone that is still in their terrible twos. She grew up so much faster than Bella. Maybe because she has a big sister that she is always trying to keep up with. Maybe because she has a little brother she is always trying to mother.
This year was a big year for Amelia..
You gave up your beloved "Binky" cold turkey in May. This was a MAJOR accomplishment.
As soon as said Binky went away, you started talking in sentences. It is so much easier for all of us to communicate rather than try to decipher grunting and pointing.
You are the most patient with your brother and sister.
You are the most impatient with Mommy. You want what you want, now.
You are the biggest helper and love to clean up toys and help set the table. I only hope this continues in your teenage years.
You give the best hugs. The wrap your arms around our neck and squeeze kind that I love.
You are always worried about your brother and sister. Anytime anyone gets a shot, you whimper along with them in sympathy. If someone is hurt, you are always there to check on them.
You are super independent and your favorite thing to say is "me do it"
You are finally saying "Melia" sometimes when people ask you what your name is, instead of "Sissy".
We love you and wish you a Happy, Happy 2nd Birthday!!
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