
Saturday, October 31, 2009

i am a slacker

October has been a rough month for us. Jason has been traveling all month and I have been on my own for most of October. This last trip was by far the worst trip. EVER. The kids did not understand why their dad was gone and of course they didn't sleep the entire time. Bella asked me repeatedly why they couldn't send someone else's Daddy because her daddy had already been gone for two whole weeks. Will carried a picture frame around the house for two entire days. He finally found one of the Daddy dolls we own and carried that around the rest of the time. Every morning he would see it and say "DAD!!!" and give it a huge hug. Every single day I would find it in my closet behind the door where Jason always keeps his uniforms. I can laugh about it now but at the time it made me so sad for him. He totally did not understand.
Our soccer season is finally over. It rained most of September and we had to cancel several weeks of practices and games and extend the season two extra weeks. We will be having our end of the season party next week. We had Christmas pictures taken last weekend and I'm hoping for one good image for the Christmas card. Just one. It's probably wishful thinking with four kids. We attended an awesome birthday party for one of Bella's friends at LG last weekend. It was wonderful and we didn't even make it out of the parking lot before Bella asked me if she could have her birthday there. I feel guilty because Bella's birthday is on or right before or after Thanksgiving. I don't want her to grow up and say "we never did anything for my birthday because of Thanksgiving." To make matters worse, we will be heading to see the mouse ears the day after Amelia's birthday. We're having dinner and dessert with the princesses to celebrate so I feel like I need to do something for Bella. She has really been talking about her birthday this year. Apparently this is a huge thing at preschool because some of the other mothers are hearing the same thing from their kids.
We took the kids to the fall festival at church tonight and to the neighbors to trick or treat. Will was a dinosaur and as soon as he put his costume on said ROAR!! Drew was not so excited about the caterpillar getup he was required to wear and was more interested in chewing on his hood. We hope everyone had a safe and Happy Halloween!!

as good as it gets with the hungry caterpillar and exploring dinosaur.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

dancing with grami

Grami came to visit a few weeks ago and I finally dumped the pictures on my camera. Her visit coincided with Dancing With the Stars, the kids absolute favorite show. They think it's much more fun to dance along while they are watching the show.

We also want to congratulate Grami and Don on their engagement!! We're very happy for you!

three months old

Today the wee-man turned 3 months old. I can hardly believe it. He has doubled his weight since birth and is quite the little chunk. He just started wearing the next size up in clothes and is almost ready to move up a size in diapers. He usually wakes up around 3 to eat and again around 6. This is huge for us and we are happy to be getting a little more sleep.

i love his cankles.

the scream we know and love.

we dodged a bullet

The house plans are on hold. Our house is still up for sale but we are no longer in contract to build a new house. After our contract was signed, the builder made a change to our contract stating they had final say on all structural decisions with the house. Jason and I were unhappy with this clause for obvious reasons and were supposed to go in and sign a new contract. The girls have dance on Mondays and Jason was off so the boys were going to stay home with him. We had been trying to resign the contract for over a week and the builder's realtor was unavailable. We didn't hear from him until noon and he wanted us to come in that afternoon. I was pretty irritated with the late notice he gave us and decided to just reschedule the meeting for the next day. I'm so glad I did. We received an email Monday afternoon alerting us to some major real estate changes happening down the street from where we were going to build. The city had purchased some run down apartments and were converting them to federal housing. We were pretty upset and disappointed that our beautiful new house was going to be a few minutes away from federal housing and knew our market value would plummet before we even broke ground. Thankfully we were able to get out of the contract and are now back at square one looking for a new house.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

fall break

We spent last week in CBus with my family. Jason drove up with us last Saturday and left for a business trip Sunday morning. We pulled into town on a game day and everywhere you looked, you saw scarlet and gray. Love it!! On Saturday we were able to visit our good friends Sheri and Brian and watch a little football. Sunday I took Will and the girls and did a little shopping for our upcoming trip to Disney. We are taking the kids to Disney for Christmas and they do not know we are even going yet. I had a lot of unnecessary drama booking our dinging reservations for the week. Now that I am finally finished with that task, I am getting a little bit more excited for the trip. I know the kids will have a great time and that is the reason we are going. My grandfather had open heart surgery a week ago and is still in the hospital. I was able to spend a lot of time with him there and am so happy that he is improving. Hopefully he will be able to come home in a few days. The kids and I arrived home late yesterday afternoon after 10 hours in the car. Ugh. It was pretty awful considering the trip usually takes us a maximum of 8.5 hours. We had heavy rain the entire drive, two unexplained traffic delays, a crying baby and a two year old that wanted to use every bathroom in Kentucky. I'm happy to be home and am not looking forward to getting back in the car for an extended period of time any time soon.

Drew almost 3 months old

Cousin Jack loves babies.