Last week we heard about a a dreaded stomach virus on our local news station. Vomiting, diarrhea, severe dehydration, etc. This virus sounded like the king of viruses. Definitely not a virus I wanted to welcome in my home and share with six people. We washed our hands, took our vitamin C and I prayed.
On Friday afternoon Amelia started in with the vomiting. She covered the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen in 5 minutes. This might be repeat information for some of you but I despise vomit. The mere smell or sound of someone vomiting usually has me right there with them. Even when this someone is my child. Add on the fact that I am still dry heaving on a good day and vomiting on a bad from this pregnancy and I was in pure misery. We went through two days of Amelia being sick and no one else so much as developing a symptom before taking Amelia to the ER on Sunday. The pediatrician there said that she was having a reaction to the Augmentin she was on for a respiratory infection, take her off the medicine and gave us a prescription for Zofran to control the nausea and vomiting.. Augmentin gone, Zofran in and bye bye vomit. Or so I thought.
Monday, I had lunch with a great friend and returned home to find Will had started in vomiting. Sweet. This three day weekend was getting even better. The diarreah aspect, absent with Amelia, was full throttle with Will. We changed 11 diapers in 8 hours Monday afternoon and 10 on Tuesday morning. Tuesday around 2 PM, I started having horrible stomach pains and of course ended up vomiting the rest of the day and into the middle of the night. I can honestly say this is the worst I have ever felt. After not being able to keep anything down for 24 hours and being pregnant, I called my OB. I was told to go to the Maternity Floor of the hospital for observation and fluids. Fluids of course meaning an IV, my second least favorite thing next to vomiting. I suffered and "truck drivered" my way through 3 attempts at starting an IV and two blown veins. Could this get any better? I spent all day in the hospital with dehydration and came home last night around 9. Jason called our pediatrician and asked for a refill of Zofran I am pretty weak but feeling much better. I have never been so happy to eat Toast and Jello.
Isabella has also now caught the virus, Will is still going through at least one diaper every hour and Jason came home from work tonight with the dreaded virus. With a family of five, it's a given that we "share" all of our germs and illnesses. This, however, has become a nightmare that I never want to repeat.