Everyone has been telling me that I couldn't cut Will's hair until after he turned one. (I guess this is some unwritten rule that I don't know about.) Well he was beginning to look like Shaggy and Jason was threatening to get out the clippers and give him a buzz cut. Totally not happening to my baby!! I took Will in this morning for his first haircut and as is typical with Will, he didn't even cry. He just sat there and tried to attack everything that came within arms reach. Let's see if Daddy even notices he got a haircut.

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Will's first haircut
Everyone has been telling me that I couldn't cut Will's hair until after he turned one. (I guess this is some unwritten rule that I don't know about.) Well he was beginning to look like Shaggy and Jason was threatening to get out the clippers and give him a buzz cut. Totally not happening to my baby!! I took Will in this morning for his first haircut and as is typical with Will, he didn't even cry. He just sat there and tried to attack everything that came within arms reach. Let's see if Daddy even notices he got a haircut.
Monday, August 25, 2008
then and now
Saturday morning Isabella, Amelia and I headed to Easton for some shopping. There are probably less stressful things to do on a Saturday morning than lug two toddlers shopping but there are very few things that come between me and chance to go to Nordies or Easton in general. After a few hours shopping and lunch we headed off to see my 4H Club. We spent Saturday afternoon with a very special family that I used to nanny for. Halston, Holland, Helena and Holden and their wonderful parents Marian and Shreve. When I started watching them 9 years ago, the twins were 8 months, Holland was 4 and Halston 6. Holland is now almost as tall as me and Halston is over six feet tall. The twins who were babies are now in third grade. When I think back to all I learned from taking care of them I know that I am a better mother because of it. I am amazed at how they have grown and how well mannered they still are. I still enjoy sitting and talking to them and hearing what is going on in there lives. My little Helena watched and entertained my girls the entire visit..she has always been the little mother. Even though they aren't my own children, each of them will always have a special place in my heart.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
a bizarre tradition
When we moved into this house I loved the light colored carpet and the open feel it gave the house. After two years, three kids and scrubbing out countless stains, I am no longer feeling the love. The carpet also has to be vacuumed often or it looks disgusting and drives me crazy. I guess this is a lasting side effect of growing up in a house that was vacuumed daily. Vacuuming in our house is a bizarre event the kids enjoy. Maybe it is my own fault because since they were itty bitty I have worn each of them in the Baby Bjorn whenever I vacuum. I guess I thought the white noise would soothe them. Maybe I thought being so close to it from the beginning would keep them from being afraid of it later or maybe I was trying to send them subliminal messages to someday help mom out with the vacuuming..just not quite this early. Regardless of my earlier ideas about the vacuum cleaner each child is obsessed with it now. No matter what I get the them involved in before I get it out, as soon as they see the vacuum cleaner everyone immediately stops what they are doing and grabs their appropriate vacuum "equipment" to help me. Isabella has her own mini vacuum, Amelia pushes Bear-Bear in a stroller and Will is Johnny on the Spot trying to crawl up the vacuum cleaner and stick his fingers under the front. As soon as he sees me wheel it out of the laundry room the look of determination is on his face and he tucks his head, crawling as fast as he can around the house following me, Bella and Amelia. There is a distinct pecking order in our bizarre vacuuming train. So not only do I have to vacuum around furniture, I also vacuum around children that are supposed to stay behind me at all times out of my way...a rule when Mommy vacuums. It is a task that once completed I feel like I could use a good drink. Yesterday I decided I would try vacuuming while Bella was at preschool and see if I could quickly accomplish it without having to maneuver around the kids. No such luck. As soon as the Eureka came rolling out of the laundry room, Amelia grabbed the stroller and Will came motoring on over. Of course it was not a quick job. I snapped a few pictures when I was switching outlets, the worst part of the entire experience because then they overtake the vacuum and I have to remove each child and get them back to their appropriate equipment. And some people think I sit on the couch all day.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
First Day of Preschool!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Preschool Open House
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Isabella has a horrible case of the "me firsts". She has to be first at everything, every time. She starts preschool next Wednesday and I have tried to prepare her all summer for the harsh reality that she won't always get to be first and the importance of waiting our turn. We have even started alternating days where Isabella gets to do everything first one day and Amelia the next. Some days, of course, go smoother than others. I just hope that she actually learns good things in preschool and doesn't bring home bad habits that I try to keep out of our household. I recently read a friend's post on manners and it was like reading about our own house :) I was so relieved to read about another mom teaching her two young daughters the same values we do. I know my kids are young but I have always felt they are never too young to learn to be polite and respectful of themselves and others. It makes me sad that common courtesies aren't being taught in every household anymore.
Friday, August 1, 2008
five years ago today..

Jason is an amazing husband and an even better father. He has two little girls that miss him so much every day while he is working, they run to the door to meet him as soon as they hear the garage door each night. I have learned that when Daddy is on a trip not to do laundry because they mistake the washing machine for the garage door and keep running to the back door all day. Our little man Will cries if Daddy comes home and does not pick him up immediately. I know as soon as he is able he will be running to the door with his sisters. I am thankful that we only have to deal with business trips and not the long deployments that still affect our friends.